He's The Reason Why

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Chapter 16

Hey everyone! I'm curious if I should include smut or not in this so I'll let you guys decide. There won't be a lot. I've decided to do a sequel (doesn't mean I'm ending this book anytime soon!), which would include more smut. Up to you guys! Lemme know! :D

After talking to Jack I rushed to math, taking a tardy slip as I walked by the sub. I shook it off because I was in a pretty good mood. Did I trust Jack fully? Not at all. Jack would have to earn it back. But was I willing to give him a second chance? Yes. And I didn't care what people had to say. It was my life and my decision. And if it was a mistake to give him a second chance then oh well. It'd teach me a lesson in the end.

My day was going great till we got to lunch. I started gushing to Soph, Emma, and Taylor about what happened. Explaining everything that went on only to immediately stop when Phil sat down and glared at me. I shot him a glare back looking at him from across the table, "What the hell is your problem?"

"Seriously Jaime, you can't be dating him," Phil said sharply.

"I don't see how you think you can tell me who I can and cannot date," I said rolling my eyes.

"Jaime, it's a bad idea all you're going to do is hurt yourself."

"Well Phil I guess I'll learn from it. It's my decision."

"How stupid can you be, you're acting like a retard!"

I felt my face fall then. Taylor gasped, "Phil, what in the hell is wrong with you?!"

I didn't even think twice about what I did. I stood up and unscrewed the cap off my water bottle and threw the water at him letting him get covered in it.

"That's for calling me stupid," I said then chucking the empty bottle at his face. It hitting in the precise target, "And that's for calling me a retard." I stood up from the table then, the entire cafeteria looking at our table and me as I stomped off. I was not going to deal with Phil's bullshit anymore. I knew he'd probably kick my ass later. He was the same height, if not taller than Jack. But I didn't care anymore. I was tired of being treated like a baby.

Granted I was the baby and our friendship, me being the youngest out of the three of us, but that gave him no right to call me those things. He knew how I felt about the words, what the kids use to call me back in elementary school. It was the reason why I had left after that year. But they had been the ones that stood up for me because again I was a weak crybaby. And Phil knew. He knew how I felt about those words ever since.

I rounded the corner, looking down as tears started to fall. I bumped into someone, letting out a small gasp as I realized it was Jack. I quickly wiped at my eyes not wanting him to see me cry.

"Jaime? What- why are you crying?"

I sniffled a bit, that really not helping me hide the fact that I was crying. "It's nothing Jack. I just... stubbed my toe."

"We both know that is a bullshit excuse. Now tell me or I'll force it out of you," Jack said. He kind of had a dominant voice that he used once in awhile. It made me end up doing whatever he asked. Basically I would cave in when he used it.

"Phil called me some not so nice names and we got into a fight and I dumped water on him," I said, my fists shaking at my sides.

"What did he call you?"

Jack knew about why I had left back in elementary school. He knew the names I had gotten called. He knew only because he had been a bystander when everything had happened.

"What did he call you?"

I looked away my mouth locking up.

"Jaime. What did he call you," he asked in his dominant voice again.

"Said I was stupid, and acting like a retard for giving you a second chance."

That was all it took before Jack started to stock off to the cafeteria. I got in front of him and put my hands on his chest trying to push him back but he was basically pushing me down the hallway.

"Jack please don't, you'll get suspended."

"It'll be worth it," he said as he continued.

I felt a sob crawl it's way up, not wanting to cause anymore drama. Plus I wouldn't be able to handle not having Jack at school. "Jack please don't. I- I need you," I said as tears started to fall. And just like that, I had Jack back. He pulled me against his chest and I began to cry silently into his chest, fisting his shirt as he held me close. His head resting atop mine. Jack always knew how to comfort me.

After I had calmed down enough we decided to ditch the rest of the day. Our last classes being electives which we weren't required to attend. We left for my house, going up into my bedroom and laying on my bed while staring at the ceiling. We basically cuddle and talked until we drifted off into a slumber. And I wouldn't of had it any other way.

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