He's The Reason Why

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Chapter 2

After I turned from my sister I was immediately glad to see my friend Taylor. I was already a nervous wreck and I didn't want to get lost in this enormous school. She waved me over and I hugged her when I caught up to her. "Long time no see," she said as she hugged me. "I know tell me about it," I said letting out a slight laugh, "I was freaking because I knew I was going to get lost." "Well thank God you have me," she smiled back, "So what's your locker number? I'm sure your bag is getting heavy." I reached for my schedule in my pocket and pulled it out looking at the top for my locker number and combo. "It's 946," I said looking up at her. "You're right next to me," Taylor said, "Come on let's go find our lockers!"

After finding our lockers and putting our school supplies in, we went around and found our classes. Out of the eight period schedule, we had seven classes all together. Pre-Caculus, Chemistry, Comp 1, and World Religions/Current Events. Those were our main classes, and then we had our electives. The only class she chose seperate was to have Study Hall eigth period where as I had Art 2. After finding our classes we went back to our lockers to gossip for the ten minutes we had left before class.

"So have you seen any guys you like," she asked in all curiousity. I was so glad she didn't make things awkward like my mom or Soph did. "Yeah actually," I said a bit suprise that I had ease talking to her about it. "He's this really tall guy, looks to be our age or a year old. Well over six feet because he's like a head taller. He hair is really white, like snow and he has these piercing blue eyes.." I drifted off as she started laughing. "Let me guess," I said, "You know him and he's straight as an arrow?" She laughed a bit more, "His name is Jack Frost, he's in our grade as well. He's has to be from the richest family in town. His dad is the mayor and his mom is the principal of the high school. And you just so happened to fall for the biggest womanzier in the whole school."

I sighed in frustration, rubbing my temples with hand. "Great! Now am I not only crushing on a guy I don't even know but he just so happens to the richest, straightest douchebag in our high school."

I mentally slapped myself wanting to just give up on having a romantic relationship for I felt like I would always be alone. Just then the bell rang. "Come on drama queen let's get to class or we'll be late," Taylor said grabbing her books from her open locker. I did the same and we both walked to math. When we got into math the teacher had left the projector on to show us the seating chart he had created. Taylor took her spot in the front row and I sat right behind her, the chart being in alphabetical order. When I looked to see who would be sitting behind me I nearly choked. Jack Frost himself would be seated behind me for the rest of the year in this class.

Taylor stifled a laugh as Jack entered the room. He looked up at the screen and then looked for spot. We made direct eye contact before he gave me another smile and I ended up looking down at my desk a blush creeping on my face. Why did he feel the need to smile at me and make my heart to back flips inside my ribcage. I felt him sit down in the desk behind me and my body stiffened. I knew I needed to get myself under control so that I could save my mental breakdown for later and not show the whole class that I was crazy. I could hear him joking around with his buddies behind me and I wanted to turn around and slap him. They making the most dumb jokes ever. What got me pissed was that now they were joking around, calling each other gay and saying it was disgusting.

It took a lot of mental courage to not turn around and tell them they were dumb asses. But since I was puny compared to these three, I dared not say a word. I was thankful for when the teacher began taking attendance. After he finished that, he began to drone on about the lesson we were going to start and that we should take notes as he spoke. That's when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey, you got an extra pencil," Jack whispered. "If I did I wouldn't give it to you," I snapped back at him. "I was just asking dude, don't be so uptight." "Why not shut the hell up so I can hear what the teacher is saying," I snapped again realizing I had my mother's attitude when someone pissed me off. He didn't say anything as I saw him out of the corner of my eye. He sat back, his body looking rigid and I knew I pissed him off. Great Jaime, just great. Now you just dug your own grave. I just hoped this class would end soon so I could get the hell away from him.

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