He's The Reason Why

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Chapter 15

The look that we shared made me want to just crumple into a ball. But I knew that sooner or later I'd have to face him. Guess it would be sooner. I didn't even look up at him as I walked up to my locker.

"Excuse me, you're in the way."

"Jaime I'm not moving till we talk."

I shot up a glare at him, "I do NOT want to talk to you. Now kindly move out of the way."

He held his ground as I started to try shoving him away. He wouldn't budge and with every failed attempt I started to feel tears fall down my face. The hallway had emptied and I heard the bell ring then. Great now to top it off I would be late to class.

I eventually stopped and wiped at my cheeks. "Please Jack, I-I c-c-can't do t-hi-s," I said through hiccups not being able to look up at him. Maybe I wasn't ready to face him.

"Jaime, look at me. Please," something in his tone had made me look up at him. I craned my neck up, having to because of our height difference.

"Jaime, I will be honest with you. I did kiss Hic. I can't lie about that." I tried to look away but he cupped my chin to more or less force me to look at him. "Jaime, I did that. But I regret it so much. I didn't realize how much I had messed up until I had kissed him."

"What the fuck Jack," I whisper yelled as I felt fresh tears sting at my eyes. "Jack you can't be kissing other people while you're in a relationship with someone. Someone you tell everyday that you love them, every single day. And then one day you kiss someone that is way more attractive..."

I was stopped as I felt our lips connect. The spark was still there, but it felt wrong. I pulled away after a few seconds. "Jack what are you doing," I looked away again.

"I messed up Jaime. I have commitment issues. I have always had them and I always screw up everything," he paused as I heard him hiccup. I quickly looked up at him to see tears sliding down his cheeks. "Jaime you've been the greatest boyfriend I could ask for. You've helped me in my life so much since we've been together. I love you so much and I can't lose you."

He paused again to catch his breath, his cries coming out short and breathy. He took a deep breath and tried to calm down, "Jaime, please don't leave me. I can't.. I won't be able to handle it."

I looked up at Jack and sighed before reaching up and wiping his tears away. "You can't cry, I'm the baby in the relationship."

Jack smiled down at me through his tears before wiping them away with the back of his hand. "So where do we stand?"

I let out a small sigh thinking I could be the biggest idiot ever for giving him a second chance. "Well Jack, I have major trust issues so you're gonna have to get that back. That's the honest truth."

Jack nodded, "Understood. Anything else?"

"We'll work on your commitment issues together. Okay? I'm here for you okay but we have to got to work together. We can't fix this if we aren't honest okay?"

Jack nodded and leaned down to kiss my cheek and then pulled away with a big smile on my face. "Works for me, I'll see you in art beautiful, okay? I- I love you."

I smiled and blushed, "See ya handsome. I l-love you too." Jack laughed and he was gone. I looked at my closed locker door, lost in my thoughts. Let's hope this would work out this time.

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