He's The Reason Why

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Chapter 18 (already?!)

(Sorry I haven't been updating much lately. Been busy with the holidays, and the weeks prior were with finals and work! The other two stories will be updated soon and please check out my new one! If you need help, the Wikipedia page for the anime is in the intro to the story and it gives background on the setting, plot, and characters to help you all better understand! Hope you all enjoy! Vote and leave a comment! Now on to the story! :] )

I woke up again rubbing my eyes from sleep. It took me a few minutes to realize where I was, it being dark. I was still lying on the couch and I reached across the gap between the couch and the coffee table for my phone. I clicked the home button so my phone would light. It read 12:37 am. I noticed I had a text from Taylor and Phil. I chose to ignore them because I really didn't want to deal with it. I clicked the lock button on my phone and set it on the table once again.

I was about to lie back down when I felt the couch move underneath me. I froze again and then let out a small gasp, jumping slightly as I felt arms wrap around my waist and a gruff sleepy voice in my ear, "What time is it babe?"

"Jesus, Jack you can't scare me like that," I exclaimed quietly.

"Did you forget I was staying over? You're so air-headed," he said with a raspy chuckle.

"I don't remember things right away when I wake up! And to answer your question it was 12:37 when I checked my phone."

I lay my head down as I felt him press a soft kiss to my head. "Wanna go lay down in your bed, this couch isn't the comfiest."

"I don't wanna," I said with a whine as I buried my face into his neck.

He let out another soft chuckle, "Want me to carry you?"

I just nodded my head and he sat us up. Then he stood up and picked me up bridal style. I nuzzled into his chest as I felt him carry me up to my room. The next thing I knew, I was waking up again as some of the sunlight filtering through the curtains shown on the floor. My eyes widen at the predicament I was in. Jack and I were lying sideways in bed, my back pressed against him. And my butt pressed against a rather aroused Jack. I tried to slide out of his grip, but it tightened more against my waist as I felt him grind into me letting out a throaty groan.

I blushed and tried to slip out of his grip but it only caused me to grind back into him. This time I let out a suprised soft moan. My faced must've been as red as a tomato when I heard Jack's raspy whisper in my ear, "Babe, do that again."

"N-no.." I let out in a whisper really wanting to but too embarassed to do it.

"I said do it," he said a little gruffly in my ear squeezing my hip.

I let out a moan as I thrusted back into him. His touch and gruff voice instantly making me obey him. I did it twice for good measure and that caused him to shift us so I was straddling his lap. He was rock hard now and I could feel his member and the heat radiating off of it on my butt.

"Grind baby," he said gripping my hips tightly.

I did so, slow at first then gradually began picking up speed when he gripped my hips even tighter.

Just then my phone started ringing. I let out a startled gasp and looked over at the phone to see who was calling. Of all people, Mom. As I reached over for the phone, Jack made some grunting noises like he was uncomfortable. Of course he was. I was sitting on his member that was fully hard and not getting any release.

I hopped off Jack and he let out a breathy gasp. I answered the phone only to find out Mom wouldn't be home tonight as the business meeting was going to continue today and that she'd be home tomorrow. After we said our goodbyes, I hung up the phone and turned to Jack. He was pouting.

"What's your issue," I said with an eye roll.

"We didn't get to finish. And I'm sure that was your mom telling you she's on her way home."

I looked over at him, "She's not coming home till tomorrow."

I then watched a smirk creep onto Jack's face and I realized what I said was a big mistake. That pervert.

"Nah ah Jack Frost. If you need to whack off the shower is across the hall," I said pointing and looking away.

"But babe," he said. "It's not as much fun when you help." He got up and slowly bent down licking my check.

"You do a nice job at being my little toy," he said with a grin before kissing my cheek.

He headed for the bathroom calling out "I love you," with a sheepish grin before closing the door behind him. This boy was gonna give me a heart attack. I decided I would just shower later so I undressed and found some clothes to wear. I had just slipped out of my shorts when I stopped to look in the mirror. Standing in just my underwear, I analyzed my body.

I was skinny, but I wasn't a stick. Yet it didn't look like I had an ounce of fat on my body. Well besides my hips, thighs and butt. I wonder if Jack would mind my stomach. It was flat, but there was a bit of a pouch and I didn't have abs like him. I only knew that on account for I'd felt them through his tshirt many a times.

I felt my eyes gloss over then. What if, once Jack saw me shirtless, he'd think I was ugly. What if he would hate my body. Yeah he said that he liked my hips and my butt. But he hadn't seen me naked. He'd hate my body.

I looked down feeling tears start to brim at my eyes.

"Jaime? Why are you crying?"

I let out a gasp whirling and dropping the shirt I had in my hands to see a towel clad Jack standing in the doorway.

"I-I just stubbed m-my t-toe," I stuttered reaching down to cover my stomach.

This action didn't go unnoticed by him as he walked over and gently pried away my hands. I let out a small sob as Jack's hand came to rest on my stomach. I leaned into him just in time to hear him whisper "So beautiful" into my ear.

"So beautiful," he murmered again.

He titlted my head up to softly kiss my lips. And I thought I couldn't fall any harder for this man. Yet I did.

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