He's The Reason Why

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Chapter 9

I had no clue what to do. Was it a date? Was it two friends just hanging out at a boring banquet? No, Jack said he wanted to take me out on a date. That was another thing, Jack Frost wanted to take me out on a date. A mother effing date!

I let out a sigh as I stood in front of my mirror. I don't understand why he would want to date this. I'm horrid looking. I'm just... no I can't let those thoughts take over. Not again, I promised Mom and Soph.

Maybe I shouldn't go, just tell them I feel like crap. I can fake being sick. I'm great at faking.

Jack would be disappointed to be out in public with me anyways. I'm not good looking. And if I was a girl, I'd look even more terrible. I don't want to embarass him and myself. It's just best if I don't go.

As if on cue or something, my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller I.D. to see that it was Taylor.

I answered, "Hello?"

"Hey Jaime! When do you want me to come over to help you get ready?"

I replied rather blankly and emotionless, "I'm not going Taylor."

"W-what? Jaime, what's w-"

"I just don't feel good, I'm gonna lie down. I'll message you when I wake up," I said faking cheeriness into my voice and adding a fake cough before I said my goodbyes and hung up. Hopefully she'd just think I was sick and leave it at that.

I told Mom that I wasn't feeling good and that I didn't want to go. She was upset that I couldn't but she understood that I was "sick" and said to get some rest. About half an hour later Mom and Soph left early for preperations. Now I was alone, or at least so I thought.

Just as I was about to go lie back in bed, my doorbell went off. I groaned and immediately walked to the front entryway, if it was Taylor I was literally going to throat chop her.

I opened the door and came face to chest with the one person I didn't want to face tonight. Look at me trying to be strong when all I want to do is run away from my problems. Really hypocritical Jaime.

"Why aren't you coming," it was more of a statement then a question.

"I'm sick."

"Okay, do you really think me and Taylor believe that bullshit line Jaime," Jack asked letting himself in after I tried closing the door on him.

I looked down realizing that I suck at lying and that these two people can read me so well, "No."

I walked back through the kitchen and then to the hallway that led up to my room. Jack followed closely behind me. Once we reached my room, I sat down on my bed and Jack sat next to me.

"So this is your room? I love that mini balcony outside the window."

I gave him a small smile, "It's my favorite place to be when I need to think."

Jack smiled back before his face got serious, "Tell me why you won't come."


"Jaime, tell me," Jack all but demanded.

When I still wouldn't answer him, he tackled and pinned me to my bed. I let out a small squeak as his blue eyes stared into my brown ones. He lowered his face to mine, "Tell me now."

I tried escaping from his hold but he was to strong. Damn me for being so weak. I let out a sigh, "I don't want you to take me to the banquet because I'm ugly and people would disapprove and I'll just emba-,"

Jack cut me off with a kiss on the lips and it was a more heated one. I felt his tongue slide across my bottom lip and when I didn't grant him access he bit it. I let out a small gasp and that gave him the entrance he wanted.

Our tongues glided across each other, him easily winning over the dominance in the kiss as I just basically melted underneath him. After awhile we broke apart, breathing heavily. I stared up at him as a blush creeped across my face, realizing what just happened. He smirked down at me and kissed my nose lightly.

We slowly sat back up and Jack spoke up, "That was nice."

"And unexpected," I said with an eye roll which earned a chuckle from Jack.

"Got you to stop thinking about those dumb thoughts."

I slowly reached toward him and then leaned down wrapping my tiny arms around his waist as I snuggled into his chest. I breathed in his scent, loving everything about it. He smelt so good.

"Thank you Jack," I said, his sweatshirt muffling my speech.

"For what?"

"Saving me."

Jack's big arms wrapped me up in a big hug as he kissed the top of my head and then nuzzled into hair. My music that I had left on from earlier had switch to "Save Me" by Nicki Minaj, as if it was cued.

This time won't you save me,

This time won't you save me,

Baby, I can feel myself giving up.

In this moment I knew two things. One, I had utterly fell hard for Jack and that I loved him even though I was scared to love him in fear of getting hurt. Second, was that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. I just hoped he felt the same. This was just going to be one roller coaster ride, but I am ready for whatever comes my way.

Just as long as I have Jack by my side.

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