He's The Reason Why

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Chapter 25

<~Jaime's P.O.V.~>

It had been three hours since Phil woke up. He refused to see any of us. He yelled at the top of his lungs when he woke up. It took two nurses to calm him down before he finally told them that he wanted us out of there and that he wanted to see his parents. Taylor's face looked a little shattered and I could feel by head hanging. Phil didn't want anything to do with us. Now we were sat in the lobby. Taylor was just across from us, asleep on one of the uncomfortable little couches. I know she hadn't been sleeping. She had looked so exhausted. I don't blame her.

Jack and I sat next to each other. He had one arm wrapped around me and the other one propping his head up. His eyes were on the television situated in the corner of the lobby. Something about how we would be receiving our first snowfall of winter flashed across the screen. I don't think he was really watching it, more so tuned out of it.

I sat next to a window and watch the rain lightly land on it. The sky was a dark gray, the rising sun making it a bit lighter. I let out a small sigh, my mood dropping even more.

I felt Jack pull me closer to him and I leaned against him. I snuggled into his side, his touch comforting.

"You alright," Jack whispered lowly to me. We were the only ones in the lobby but Taylor was sound asleep and he didn't want to wake her.

"I don't know. I'm scared Jack, Phil doesn't want us around."

"I'm sure he's just confused Jaime. I'm sure he didn't mean it."

I shook my head, "You don't know that Jack. He hates me, and this is all my fault."

Jack turned to me and grabbed me by my shoulders, "Jaime, whatever happened back then is in the past. Stop blaming yourself."

"I can't forgive myself for the things I said to him. I called him so many mean things. I didn't mean it," my voice breaking at the end.

"Jaime," Jack's voice drifted off. He had this look of sadness on his face. I felt bad for him. Here I was dragging him into this mess. He didn't deserve this.

"Jack you can leave. This isn't your mess to deal with. You wouldn't be here had we not started dating."

Jack shook his head, anger flashing in his eyes. But before he could say anything the elevator dinged and Phil's parents walked out. Taylor jumped from the noise and we all looked in their direction. Phil's dad walked up to the front desk while his mother walked over to us.

She looked down at all three of us, her gaze cold and hard. "Phil will no longer be needing any of you. He needs his family right now."

"But he's my boyfriend," Taylor looked up at her in shock.

"As of today, not anymore. He says he longer wants to be with you. I personally thought you were a waste of his time anyways."

Taylor sat back in her seat, shock spreading across her face. I felt anger surge through me and I got super pissed then.

"You're such a fucking liar," I spat. "You've never been a mother to him. You both treat him like shit. His whole family treats him like shit. He deserves so much more."

His mother held her stance, "Shut up fag. You're the reason why he's here. Now if you'll excuse me, my son needs me."

His mother stalked off and took his father's hand. The both proceeded to enter though the doors to the west corridor where Phil was. I just stood there staring at the doors. Did she really just call me that? It'd been a while since I heard that. Ever since Phil...

"Jaime, let's go home," Jack said quietly. I still stood there before he tugged my arm slightly to get me to move. Jack held my hand to the elevator, Taylor following behind us with her head hung low.

The car ride home was dead silent. We dropped Taylor off first since her and I lived in the same neighborhood. After Jack made sure she'd be fine and to call us if she needed us, he then drove to my house. He turned into the driveway, parking his corvette and turning the engine off. We just sat there in silence. Listening to the raindrops hit the roof of the car. I finally let out a breath that felt like it'd been locked away forever. Jack turned to me but I just shook my head.

"Let's just go inside, I need to cuddle you and sleep. Jack let out a small chuckle before we walked inside.

Jack and I undressed down to our underwear and shirts, got under the covers, and slowly drifted off into sleep.

<~Jack's P.O.V.~>

I woke up with a start. My dream scared me. In it Jaime was leaving town again because of everything that happened. I felt a few tears fall. It literally scared me to think that such a thing might happened because of all these events.

I shook off the scared feeling and looked down at Jaime. His mouth was slightly open, his head resting on my chest. I smiled slightly before reaching over and grabbing my phone. The clock said 3 PM and I had three missed calls from my father. I cannot stand him honestly. He's never been a father to me or Emma. Was never around to raise us and he cheated on my mom multiple times. All I can think about sarcastically is how being a mayor has its perks. I snuck out of bed as to not disturb Jaime, and walked out into the hallway to call my father back.

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