Is That A Puppy?

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Hey everyone I am making this AU version of The Puppy to follow my friend Descendantsfan03 fanfiction Saving The Baby Dragon. Which I'm letting her use Pumpkin for. I hope you enjoy.

PS: This does not connect to any of my others one shots  at all. This is just a stand alone AU. And if you read my one shots The Story Behind Us this happens somewhere in Subject to Change. This also takes place before A Cinderella Story: If The Shoe Fits.

I did not proofread

Georgie sighs as she sits at the park near her home waiting for her theater friends to get there so that they could practice for their competition, and everyone was late, or she was early. She really didn't care which one it was. She was just enjoying the beautiful day when she heard a bark from under the bench she was sitting at.

Georgie looked under the table surprised to see a brown puppy sitting there looking at her. Georgie looked around, not seeing it's owner, but knowing she must have one somewhere. "Shoo puppy go to your owner, my friends are going to be here any minute." Georgie told the puppy who cocked it's head, and continued to sit under the bench still looking at Georgie.

Soon enough the rest of Georgie's friends had arrived at the pavilion. Her best friend Lily taking the vacant seat by Georgie, and immediately saw the dog. "Hey Georgie? Why is there  a brown puppy under the table?" Lily asked in confusion as the puppy barks getting the rest of Georgie's friends attention. Georgie internally groans as now it would be near impossible to get her friends to focus on the play that was coming up in a month and a half.

After a few minutes of them playing with the cute puppy Georgie had gotten everything back in order, "Alright guys we came here to practice so let's practice." Georgie tells them impatiently, even though she had nothing better to do.

All her friends groan acting like small children, but started practicing as told; as Georgie started looking through more makeup pictures for the play they had picked.

Almost instantly after Lily left her spot the brown pooch jumped up watching Georgie as if her scrolling through her phone was the most mesmerizing thing in the world.

Georgie tried to ignore the puppy sitting next to her which was easy since she was so absorbed in her work, which the pup did not like very much. So it nudges Georgie's hand. Georgie still didn't look to the pup though as she continued working. She couldn't let this puppy get to her. She couldn't let what happen to Brook and Rascal happen again. It wasn't until Lilly nudged her that she snapped out of her thoughts and realized the puppy who was now lying on her lap.

"That pup has taken a liking to you G." Lily told her best friend sitting back down beside Georgie as most of the others have left, because the sun was setting.  "You know the owner would have came by now if she was someone's pet. Georgie I think she's a stray." Lily told Georgie trying to get Georgie to take the dog home. She knew Georgie was still scared after losing Brook and Rascal, but she needed something since she currently didn't have a job, and her dad was a workaholic so she thought Georgie needed more family then just her mom, and the puppy worked perfectly for her idea. Now just to convince Georgie to take the puppy. But Georgie was not taking the bait.

"Poor pup I wonder why anyone would dump her on the street."  Georgie says looking at the puppy who was still lying on her lap, and then stroking her ear." Georgie  felt bad for the pup, but she was never taking another puppy home again. She had tried to before  and all it did was end up in heartbreak.

"You know all she need is a little bit of love..." Lily tells hoping desperately  that n ok t that they were legal adults Georgie  would try and raise a puppy again and maybe they could do it together like they did with Brook and Rascal. Georgie automatically knows that voice, and shakes her head no. There was now way she was doin what Lily was implying.

"No, no, no. Lily! I can't just bring a puppy home! You remember the last time I tried! My dad would kill me, if he found out and you know it!" Lilly sighs knowing Georgie is right but gets an idea.

" What if you hide her, let's admit it your dad is never home, and he wouldn't notice a puppy as long as it is quiet." Lily told Georgie who once again shook her head. "Lily it's a puppy not some toy or book I can hide. Plus we both know a puppy is too hard to hide we've tried remember. You should take her home with you we all win then." Georgie suggested as she knew she would not hear the end of it from her mother and father if she brought a puppy home, and she didn't feel like failing another puppy

Lily sighs giving in. She knew she would get Georgie to take the puppy eventually, but for right now this stray needed a home. And she knew hers was the next best place.

Both of the young adults looked at the moon that was now rising and then at their cellphones. Georgie sighs, "I have to go see you tomorrow Lily." Georgie says before trying to hand the pup to her friend.

The puppy did not agree with this though. She wanted to go with Georgie not Lily. Lily chuckle, "See she wants to go with you. Why don't you just take her?" Lilly asks and Georgie answers, " We'll  talk about this more tomorrow goodnight Lily." Georgie says finally managing to hand the puppy to Lily, before heading to her car.

Four hours later, Georgie is startled awake by her phone ringing. She groans looking at the clock, and it was now midnight. She then answers the phone to hear Lily. "Lily, something better be on fire. For you to call me this early!" Georgie says annoyance clear in her voice.

Lily just chuckled, "It's morning!" Lily told Georgie who rolled her eyes totally unamused by Lily's antics. "Lily! It's twelve in the morning! Again this better not be one of your pranks." Georgie says warningly.

" It isn't the puppy won't calm down now that you're not with her and I'm nicely insisting that you come over here and take her home with you." Lily told Georgie who once again groans, " It's to late for this! Fine I'll take the dog, but we still need to talk about this at a decent hour!" Georgie says hints of warning in her voice as she grabs her shoes and her car keys hoping that her parents would not wake up as she walk down the stairs of their apartment.

I honestly don't know what I think about this, but I guess it turned out alright. Anyways I hoped you enjoyed the first part of this AU if did please vote and comment.

The Puppy AU Versionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें