Flying? Forget it!

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Did not proofread I hope you enjoy 💖

"Pumpkin will not do well on an airplane I'm telling you that as a fact." Georgie says still putting things away in her suitcase. As Pumpkin watched wondering what the heck was going on and why her owner was packing almost everything she and Pumpkin owned which wasn't much.

Lilly looked at her friend and rolled her eyes, "Pumpkin will be fine when has she ever misbehaved in public." Lilly questions making Georgie glare at her... "Have you forgotten the bus incident?" Georgie asks Lilly who chuckles. Making Georgie groan, "It wasn't funny we could have got in serious trouble." Georgie told Lilly who fired back, "But we didn't." Lilly says making Georgie roll her eyes.

"This is why I can't wait to be on my own for a bit. Georgie grumbled under her breath, as she loved Lilly almost like a sister, but she also got on her last nerve because their personalities clashed every so often.

"What was that G." Lilly asked Georgie who sighs nothing, and I'm probably over thinking this aren't I Georgie asked as Lilly chuckled, "Just a bit... and just admit it that prank with the bus driver was hilarious." Lilly told Georgie who rolled her eyes playfully. "Alright fine! It was a little funny." Georgie says as she packs Pumpkin's toys in the bag.

Pumpkin instantly got a bit mad those were her toys she didn't want them bagged up so she barks at George grabbing her hedgehog. "Mine!" Pumpkin barked out as Georgie sighs, "Pumpkin you're toys are only to be packed up for a little bit I promise. Now come on we got to get to the airport Georgie tells Pumpkin before looking to Lilly, "I'll see you in a week and a half. Georgie told her friend hugging Lilly.

Lilly smiled, "Good luck see you later G!" Lilly says hugging back before Georgie grabbed Pumpkin's leash and her suitcase and headed to her car


Forty five minutes later Georgie arrived at the airport with Pumpkin looking at the ticket she held in her hand before going in though. Georgie puts Pumpkin's pet carrier down, "Pumpkin in." Georgie told the command to the puppy.

Pumpkin shook her head, "No I hate being in the carrier." Pumpkin barked out backing up as she didn't want to be in the carrier. Georgie sighs saying the command again sterner this time, "Pumpkin in." Pumpkin barked again, "I hate to disappoint you owner but no!" Pumpkin barked as Georgie sighs.

"Pumpkin we really don't have time for this. In!" Pumpkin just groans with shaking her head Georgie sighs, "Alright let's compromise when we get to the resort I'll get you ice cream." Georgie told Pumpkin who cocked her head that was a pretty good deal as Georgie didn't give her ice cream often, but  could she get more out of this, "With two doggie treats." Pumpkin barked out hoping Georgie understood.

Georgie groans as she looks at the clock on her phone, "Fine with two dog treats on top happy!" Georgie asked crossing her arms

Pumpkin looked at her in disbelief, "Enthralled! I didn't actually think you would go for it." Pumpkin barked happily as Georgie rolled her eyes, "Good now get in we need to go Georgie says as Pumpkin still relunctanly got in her carrier. "Thank you." Georgie says in relief as she grabs Pumpkin's carrier gently and goes to the back to grab  hers and Pumpkin's suitcase.


Georgie sighs walking into the crowded airport holding onto Pumpkin's carrier firmly not wanting to lose her  or for Pumpkin to get stolen.

Pumpkin looked around the place through the mesh carrier nervously. She was not use to being in such a crowded place. "Um Georgie why are there so many people here?" Pumpkin whimpers quietly.

Georgie sighs, "I know Diva Dog I know." Georgie told Pumpkin who just tries to ignore everyone as Georgie gets to the front desk.


"Hey pack did we ever figure out where Pumpkin was going?" Jade asks  her pack who shook their heads . "Sorry Blackie but we have no idea where she is going." Tempest tells the black pug who sighs,  "We're her pack we have to go with her." Jade says as Thorn, Tyson and Arrow shake their heads. "That's a bad idea for so many reasons." Arrow says as Tyson nods, "I agree with Arrow, plus their taking and airplane how in the heck would we get to them." Tyson asks as Diamond smirks looking at their bird friend, "I got an idea."

Tempest immediately does not like where this was headed, as she knew that look on Diamond's face, and she knew that meant she had a crazy idea involving her. "Okay pack I here's the plan..."


"Yeah this isn't a good idea at all." Tempest says overlooking the ridge of the huge hill all the pack, but Jade and Diamond nod their heads, "Definitely!"  Thorn says pulling the pups back. Jade sighs, "Come on pack we'll be fine.." Jade says optimistically as Tempest and Loki shake there heads. "No this is a death wish waiting to happen!" Tempest says as Diamond says, "We'll be fine cause if you want to pick a fight you better watch your back cause if you mess with me."

The rest of the pack sighs, "Then you mess with the pack, but if we plummet to our death we're blaming you." Arrow says with a sigh.

As Tempest groans, "Alright everyone hold on tight. Caelum est finis!"


Pumpkin groans when they boarded the plane. She already didn't like flying and they hadn't even taken off yet. "Come on let's just get this over with. Pumpkin barked as the plane took off. She was sitting where everyone had their feet and she despised it she wanted to see out the window.


"Wait we're not dead!" Tempest says as she started quickly flying to where the airport was seeing a plane taking off. "Hold on I'm going to have to go fast." Tempest says holding onto Loki who was comfortable in her talons. She the dove hoping that the pack was holding on tight enough, but when they got to the airplane Tempest couldn't pull up fast enough and crashed into it. Causing all eight members to fall on to the top of it thankfully none of them falling off.

"Is everyone alright?" Jade asks shaking her fur off. All the pack members grumbled, but quickly said, "We're fine." Making both alphas sigh in relief. Before realizing both Tempest were missing. "Wait where Tempest and Loki." Jade barked out panicked before seeing the bird and raccoon soaring above them. "Sorry about that I'm not use to all the extra weight." Tempest says guiltily.

Jade sighs, "It wasn't your fault Tempest it was ours. Now we'll never find Pumpkin." Jade says as Tempest shook her head no, "No we found her well he owner at  least we're on top of their plane." Tempest says Diamond smirked, "I guess this works to Diamond says getting comfortable on the airplane.

I hope you enjoyed this story if you did vote and comment 💖

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