A Not So Quiet Place

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Hey everyone here is chapter 15 I really hope you enjoy also thanks Descendantsfan03 for letting me mention Little Carlos, and I hope I wrote this alright anyways I hope you enjoy. If you do vote and comment 💖

Did not proofread.

Mira sighs as Pumpkin falls asleep by Georgie now she decided would definitely be great for finding a new quiet place so she gets up and starts walking out of the makeup trailer. She then walks down one of the main halls as quietly as she can trying to find any holes that led to a big enough hole that only she could fit in. But not having any luck yet.



"Whoa, whoa bro there's so many people here!" A roughed up Yorkie barked out to another Yorkie that rolled it's eyes, "Of course it is Scrap… Rascal." There's a special VIP thing going on."  The Yorkie told Rascal as they sneaked around the cafeteria of the resort. "Well that can be a good and or bad thing Brook . The good thing is that their will be more food in the trash bin. The bad thing that it will be harder to steal, and that we still have to steal fresh food from the cafeteria for the kids." Rascal tells her sister who nods.

"Yeah I know and Iris is not going to be very happy about this, but we have to do what we got to do. I'll take the kitchen you take the tables got it." Brook says as Rascal nods, "Got it sis." Rascal barks out as the split up and going to different parts of the cafeteria as they were in search of food for their friends and themselves each putting the food the got in a small satchel which was basically a piece of fabric, but it worked for carrying pieces of food. Back to their home, and by home they meant the basement of this resort.

A bit later both pups meet in the lobby seeing what they got, "Three flour cakes a piece of bacon and sausage, strawberries, and blueberries. Pretty good haul now were good because we stole baby supplies yesterday and that should last a few days." Brook says as Rascal nods, definitely now let's get back I'm sure everyone is hungry." Rascal says running towards the secret hatch as they heard the chefs starting to walk out. "You're right let's get our of here otherwise their going to catch us." Brook says with a nervous laugh before following her sister and going into the small vent closing it up.

They then slid down the hatch bracing themselves for hitting the old couch they slept on. "Look out below!" Rascal barks out as quietly as she can just in case anyone was sleeping. Both then landed on the blue chair, as  they landed looking at their home  before noticing only Iris was there and she looked pissed. "Scrappy, what did you do this time." Brook asks as Rascal groans, "It's Rascal now Tiny and I don't know!" Rascal says, "Guys what took you so long." Iris asks as Brook sighs, "You're not going to like this Iris, but the people living here temporarily living here has increased by quite a bit. It took us even longer to get the food, and where are the kids." Brook tells Iris who groans but answers Brook's question.

"They went looking for their sister what else would they be doing." Iris says as Brook nods, "Okay, but why did you let them go alone?" Brook asks calmly as Iris sighs, "They wanted to go alone. Anyways what did you get for us to eat?" Iris asks as Brook looked at Iris in disbelief as Iris never let the children go looking on their own, but let it be, as Rascal smirks, "Enough to feed all of us for breakfast. We'll have to go steal more at lunch." Rascal says as Iris nods, "Good job you two, you can rest. Hopefully the kids won't get caught Iris says as the two others go to their chair to rest.


Mira was still looking for a new hiding place when she found a vent that seemed to be big enough for her if she pushed it open. So she does, but that was a bad idea. The minute she had pushed it, she fell into a downward vent that seemed to go a little to fast for her liking. She quickly closed her eyes for she couldn't see where she was going to fall she was most definitely dead.

That is until she felt herself drop on to something soft and hard at the same time and heard a yelp of surprise. The Chihuahua mix then opened her eyes to see she had landed on two brown and tan dogs. Who quickly got out from under her and started barking for a tan dog over on the other couch, "Iris who the heck is this!" Rascal yelped out still in surprise knowing that Iris was the only one who socialized with other dogs.

Iris looks up from her place and growls, "I don't know that dog she's intruder! What are you doing down here, and what do you want from us." Iris growls as Mira trembles so much for a quiet place. "Um… I'm Mira I'm sorry I didn't mean to intrude I was searching for a quiet place , and I accidentally fell down here." The Chihuahua mix says as all three dogs calmed down, "Alright then, lets try this again I'm Iris, the Yorkies are Brook and Rascal." Iris says kindly yet bluntly not trusting the white and brown dog quite yet.

"Oh well, I'm Mira, and which Yorkie is which if you don't mind me asking." Mira asks as both Yorkies looked at one another, "I'm Brook, she's Rascal." Brook says as Mira nods, before asking, "Why are you guys down here shouldn't you be up their with your humans… And um why do you have baby stuff?" Mira asks in confusion in both question as Iris starts off, "I never had a family I was born a lone dog since my parents died a few months after I was born, and  that's a very long story." Iris says nodding to the baby stuff as it was truly a big story to tell and quite unbelievable as well." Oh well I'm sorry and okay, but now I'm curious Mira says, before looking at the two Yorkies. "What about you why are you down here?" Mira asks.

"Oh um we were stolen from our original home with loving owners and we're given to owners who hated us and wanted to separate us so we ran away and found Iris." Brook says as Rascal nods as her sister had basically summed up their whole story in a sentence. "Oh wow I'm so sorry." Mira says as Iris looks at the mix breed, "How about you are you a leashed dog, or our you one of us?" Iris asks as Mira smile, "Um I was just adopted last night, but I already love my owner, Georgie and my sister, Pumpkin." Mira says wagging her tail as the two Yorkshires look at one another before shaking something off.

"That's awesome you better get back then." Iris says as Mira nods, "Yeah but…" Mira started but Iris interrupted the doors right there pup." Iris says pointing to the door that was partially opened as Mira nods, "Okay thanks nice to meet you, and thanks for helping me out" Mira says before running off.

All three dogs sigh in relief as Iris look to the two Yorkies, "Come on you two let's find Carlos and the others. They've been gone a while." Iris says as the twins nod following Iris out the door to find the three kids they were taking care of.

Thanks again Descendantsfan03 for this idea and letting mention Little Carlos 💖

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