Not A Fun Game Of Hide And Seek

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Hey everyone  I haven't  updated this in forever. Anyways  thank you so much Descendantsfan03for letting  me use baby mal in this story along with a few other characters that will be introduced  in later chapters.  Also thanks Descendantsfan03 for letting  me use your  dialogue  from your story it means a lot I really  hope you enjoy if you do vote and comment

Oh also this is before  I  introduce Mira.

Georgie  sighs, petting  Pumpkin  gently.  She was starting  to  doze off due to the fact it had been a long crazy day, and she knew it would be busy the next few days too. She still had her headphones in though listening  to her music. 

Pumpkin  just sighs contentedly  at hearing  her owner hum the songs that were  on her headphones. She loved her owner so, so much. Especially  the quiet nights like these where Georgie  just hums or reads to he.

She did miss Lily a lot though. Georgie's old roommate  and  best friend always made things  much more fun and let her bend the rules while Georgie  made sure she followed the rules strictly  especially when  on duty. 

Pumpkin  had noticed how much lonelier Georgie  was and it was something  Pumpkin  knew she couldn't  fill, not alone anyways. Georgie  was also quite a bit more anxious, and kind of sad. Pumpkin  couldn't  understand  why though. Georgie  loved her job. She had made a new friend who had a sweet baby and best friend.  

It had only been a few hours and Pumpkin  already missed the baby. Pumpkin sighs though she needed to rest though. Georgie  always awoke painstakingly  early, Pumpkin  frankly  hated it, but it was her job to protect Georgie so she arose with her. She then quickly grabs her toy from Georgie's bag, noticing two small blankets. Pumpkin  had seen them before, but never knew why Georgie  carried them around.  She knew not to mess with them though. 

Last time she did both Lily and Georgie  yelled at her which meant they were very mad at her. She had never messed with those things again. She just grabs Flora and jumps back on the bed lying her head on the soft hedgehog  toy dozing off.

Thanks again Descendantsfan03 for letting  me use your Dialogue  here


 A loud noise coming  from the door startled both Georgie  and her dog awake. She sighs, taking  her headphones she was wearing  off, instantly  opening the door revealing her friend, Tessa, at the door frozen in obvious shock. Georgie  just offers a smile moving a strand of curly hair out of her face.

   “Tessa?” Georgie  says a little confused at what Tessa  and her baby was doing here, but not showing it she then heard Tessa whisper something  quietly  to Mal before  looking  back up at Georgie  and Pumpkin.

 “Hey Georgie I’m sorry if we woke you up,” Tessa says as Georgie  shook her head she was just to this as Lily did that often when they were roommates and Georgie  was a light sleeper anyways some habits never change no matter how hard she tried.

“No, you’re fine but what’s wrong?” Georgie  asks Tessa quietly, moving to pick  up Pumpkin to hold her. It was pretty  late and she was still a bit confused as to why Tessa  was here.

 “Nothing much, it's just a little cramped in that “room” and I wanted to go out for some fresh air for a little bit, but I don’t want to get caught if someone sees me with Mal,” Tessa explained  as Georgie  just nods listening quietly closing  the door behind Tessa 

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