Trouble With a Secretary

19 1 8

Did not proofread I hope you enjoy 💖

When their plane landed Georgie went to grab her luggage looking at Pumpkin, That wasn't to bad was it Diva Dog?" Georgie asked her dog who barked, "Bad! you weren't the one sitting by people's feet!" Pumpkin told Georgie who laughs, "Alright I guess not, but you're going to have to get use to it as Therapy dogs don't get special treatment like ESA's do." Georgie says petting her dog through the mesh carrier.

After getting their baggage Georgie looked around the new place for a taxi that would allow her and Pumpkin be in it. Georgie sighs as two passed her up because of her dog. "Oh come on please let me take this one Georgie says to herself as Pumpkin barks in agreement as she was getting tired of being in this crate and wanted her half of the deal now that they were out of the airport.

The next Taxi came up and Georgie was finally able to get a ride both the young adult and dog sigh in relief before Pumpkin starts barking looking at Georgie, "Hey where is my half of the deal!" Pumpkin barked out unhappily making Georgie roll her eyes, "As soon as you get to the resort. I promise Pumpkin." Georgie says as Pumpkin huffs.


They eventually got to the resort where Pumpkin sighs in relief . "Great were here. Now let me out of this thing!!! Pumpkin barks out as Georgie sighs, "Hold on a sec Diva Dog. Don't you have any patience?"

Pumpkin shakes her head, "You have had me for nearly three months now. You should know by now patience is not my strong suit especially since we been in the airplane for the last three hours." Pumpkin barked out irritably as Georgie shakes her head putting the leash on her dog. Pumpkin wags her tail happily.

Before both walked into the huge place both were  immediately stopped her, "Excuse me ma'am dogs are not aloud in here." The lady told Georgie who sighs, "I'm so sorry ma'am but this is a huge misunderstanding. You see Pumpkin is a therapy dog and I was told I was aloud to bring her in.'?" Georgie tell the secretary who rolled her eyes. "Oh please we have people say this everyday and I'm not believing you." The secretary says as Georgie sighs.

"Yes and I'm sorry so many people fake their dogs being service dogs and therapy dog's, bit I have the paperwork to prove it." Georgie tells the secretary pulling out the paperwork and Pumpkin's therapy ID. Showing it to the secretary, who scoffed  "I'm still not permitted to let you on you could have easily forged these." The secretary told Georgie who groans, Why would I!... You know what you can call everyone I know they'll back Pumpkin and I up. Georgie says trying to remain calm as this got on her last nerve as no one ever believe her or had no idea what a therapy dog is. After working here she would have to start teaching people what therapy dogs are as they are highly under rated, and everyone just thought they were emotional support animals. Which they definitely aren't.

Thankfully she didn't have to fight any longer as the Play manager Freddie had came over and basically dragging Georgie with him to a basically built in trailer full of outfits, wigs, and various makeup products that looked and smelled to be out of date, but it was pretty homey otherwise. Of course it would be even better once she hung up the outfits., And got some air freshener.

"I'm sorry I know it isn't much but this was the best we have." Freddie says as Georgie nods don't worry about it. This is better then what I had before. I would be more worried about what the VIPs would say. Georgie says as Pumpkin jumped on the outfit covered bed. "Pumpkin hold on a sec pup!" Georgie scolded before turning around to Freddie "See even Pumpkin likes it now when do I start." Georgie asked as she needed to go to the store, and get the makeup she needed.

Freddie quickly answered, "The VIPs arrive in a few minutes and we'll start auditions tommorow. So probably tommorow. Now I need to go greet them. Feel free to make this feel like home" Freddie says to Georgie before walking out.

Georgie looked at the room again. "Pumpkin let's  get organizing


Later that afternoon Georgie was heading out to buy some more  makeup as she saw how many vIP members their were and their were a lot. And Georgie had to buy Pumpkin her ice cream. But before she could get out side. Pumpkin got sidetracked and ran off.

"Pumpkin where are you going!" Georgie asked following her pup who stopped by the theater door seeming to be listening to a song. Not even noticing the other young woman standing there.

Georgie slowed when she saw the dog and heard the singing knowing that Pumpkin would not get into trouble, and noticing the lady that Pumpkin was standing by. Georgie spoke once admiring the song for a moment and also listening to the other lady humming.

Great song, huh?" Georgie asked the other young adult finally able to stop Pumpkin who liked listening to the music as Georgie picked the dog up from the floor.

The brown haired girl turned around to look at Georgie and Pumpkin. "Yes, it's beautiful." She said

"Oh, I'm Georgie, by the way. I'm the makeup artist for the show." Georgie says as Pumpkin looked at her in disbelief "Hey aren't you going to introduce me?!" Pumpkin asks as Georgie looks down to her puppy, "Oh and that's Pumpkin she's my puppy and a therapy dog who apparently also likes music." Georgie says as Pumpkin nods her head

"Uh, I'm Tessa, I'm currently an indentured servant." Tessa told Georgie and Pumpkin.

Pumpkin cocked her head in confusion. "A servant? You should be a performer you're amazing. At least if you're humming is something to go by." Pumpkin barked as Georgie says, "But you sing, too." Georgie says as Pumpkin huffs, "That what I just said!"

Tessa looks at the two in confusion as Georgie just realized how awkward that sounded "Oh um... we heard you humming." Georgie told her as Pumpkin nods

"No... I mean, yeah, I love music and dance,but maybe In another life." Tessa told Georgie and Pumpkin who look at one another

"Too bad we only get one." Both Georgie and Pumpkin said at the same time, as both knew what it was like to not be able to follow their dreams for specific reasons, but they had both been able to come back to it.

"Um... It was nice to meet you."  Tessa says before walking off. Pumpkin then looked at Georgie, "She seems like a nice lady. Now where is my ice cream and pup treats!" Pumpkin barks out making Georgie roll her eyes playfully, "You're the  one who got side tracked don't blame me Diva Dog." Georgie tells Pumpkin  who sighs, "You got a point." Pumpkin says as Georgie heads towards the cafeteria to see if they had any ice cream there.

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter if you did vote and comment 💖

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