A New Friend?

12 1 5

Well here's chapter twelve. Thank you Descendantsfan03 for letting me use Baby Mal in this story and for letting me use some of your dialogue. And if you haven't checked out Descendantsfan03 stories yet you really should they're amazing. Any ways Thanks again Descendantsfan03 and I hope you enjoy if you do vote and comment 💖

Did not proofread

Pumpkin sighs lying on the bed playing with her favorite toy Flora. Who was a stuffed hedgehog she was enjoying her time alone, but was still thinking about wanting to go see someone in need, as she already missed her therapy dog work, as she was so used to their schedule.

This was a huge change for her, and she didn't like it much. She also really didn't like how much time her owner was spending with Tessa. Without her loyal dog by her side. With Lilly and Ethan Pumpkin was always with them, and now she was spending more time alone because Georgie was helping Tessa, and she never got to tag along, because she didn't like being stuck in Georgie's bag.

Pumpkin huffs as she grabs Georgie phone which she must have forgotten and accidentally hit a button that made the phone ring. She backed away confused. That is until Pumpkin's other human friend picked up, "Hello?" Lilly asked as Pumpkin barked happily still in shock that she could see and hear Lilly, as They were far away from each. This made Lilly roll her eyes, at the pup. "You sure are smart aren't you girl, and you know Georgie isn't going to like your antics right pup." Lilly asks as Pumpkin nods, but still continues to bark as she wanted to tell Lilly everything that had happened so far.

"Really Diva Dog. Where's Georgie." Lilly asked Pumpkin who sighed, "She's with another friend right now, or maybe she is trying to ask Freddie about something she claims to be important." Pumpkin barks knowing that Lilly couldn't understand her, but still wanted to try and explain it to her friend. "I'm guessing that means she is busy..." Lilly says as Pumpkin nods before accidentally hanging up Pumpkin looked at the phone confused before barking at it, "Lilly, Lilly whare did she go?" Pumpkin asks herself in confusion before shaking it off and going to her pillow in the other room.

Great now she had no one to talk to, and she didn't want to leave just in case Georgie cane back and they could go anywhere else, and it didn't help that her friends were out hunting right now so she could not meet up with them.


Meanwhile Georgie had went to find Tessa who was just outside the theater, "Hey how's it going," Georgie asked Tessa who was taking her coat off. Tessa then hugged her
"It's going well I think, but I'm not done. Hey can hold Mal for me. I know your busy but..." Tessa began asking, but Georgie cut her off as she knew she really didn't have time to take care of a baby, but she wanted to help Tessa as best as she could. So she carefully took the baby and nudged Tessa.

"It's fine I got her. Just go give it your best. You can do this and you're almost done. Just come back to the makeup trailer after this that's where we'll be," Georgie told Tessa who smiles and nods before going walking back in.

Georgie just carefully holds the sleeping baby as she walked back to the makeup trailer. She had no idea how Pumpkin would react to a baby. Since her pup hadn't actually met one before, as their therapy dog job mostly revolved around children and adults. Since they are the ones that always needed the support and she and her friends didn't have any younger siblings she wasn't use to it.


Pumpkin waited patiently for her owner, but it was taking longer then expected she really just wanted some attention now. Maybe listen to some reading or just being able to listen to Georgie she was not use to being alone. That's when she heard the doorknob turn and something crying. Pumpkin disregards her hedgehog toy on the floor before hiding under Georgie's work table just in case it was someone she didn't know. But she could smell Georgie so she went to the bed lying down forgetting about the hedgehog toy she left on the floor.

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