The Competition

15 1 5

Did not proofread

Today was the day. The day of their competition. Georgie was sitting in the hotel room she shared with the other girls checking again to make sure she had everything she needed and didn't have to make a quick trip to the store.

Pumpkin woke up to her doing so; groaning and trying to comprehend what time it was. She knew it was early like always though. "Owner I love you but do you have to wake up this early." Pumpkin barked out gaining Georgie's attention as she turned around to look at the puppy. "Well good morning Diva Dog are you ready for a walk?" Georgie asked quietly knowing her friends were still asleep.

Pumpkin who was also aware the others were asleep just nods. What she really wanted was to cuddle up to her owner and rest, but she knew that wasn't going to happen so a walk was the next best thing. "Alright then come on quietly though. We don't want to wake them." Georgie says Pumpkin again nodding in agreement as she feels her leash being put on.

Outside both Georgie and Pumpkin take in the fresh air and the morning breeze, as they begin their walk around the more unfamiliar area as Georgie had only been around this part twice.


Georgie and Pumpkin stop on a hill overlooking the stage her friends would be performing on in just an hour. She then looked to the puppy that was sitting next to her patiently. "I know I said this a million times, but this could change our lives Pumpkin." Georgie told the dog who looked at her.

"How will it change?" Pumpkin barked out as she really hadn't thought about it despite the fact of Lilly and Georgie had been talking about it ever since Pumpkin could remember. Her main worry was if Georgie was going to get rid of her, because she didn't need her anymore.

Georgie looked at the dog somewhat understanding what the pup was asking and replied. "Well we'll have a bit more money than we usually do, not only that but I heard some Broadway producer and directors will be there. This will be exposing our talents, but don't worry Diva Dog no matter what happens we'll face it together."

Pumpkin sighs and nods not quite trusting Georgie's state I as that was almost exactly what her first owner said but after a few weeks of that promise she was dumped on the streets to defend herself. She did trust Georgie though so she hoped this statement was true.

Pumpkin then heard Georgie say, "Come on Pumpkin we need to go get the other up if my watch has the right time we only have about fifteen minutes before check in, and knowing our friends their not even up yet." Georgie told Pumpkin who nods, as they begin making their way back to the hotel.


Twenty minutes later Georgie was setting her makeup up. Pumpkin grab me my makeup brushes please." Georgie tells Pumpkin who instantly grabs the makeup brushes before someone came up behind them, "You know that's highly unsanitary right." Ethan says jokingly with a slight snicker making Georgie glare at him, "I brush that dogs teeth more times a day then I do my own. Their pretty sanitary I promise." Lilly then came up behind her, "She got you their, because I can account for that." Lilly says with a laugh.

Making Georgie laugh and Ethan roll his eyes at the two  girls before Georgie guided him into the chair. "Time to do makeup I think we're the next one's up." Georgie says as she grabs the makeup pallette she needs and starts her work, on her friends faces.

"Pumpkin, will you grab me my makeup wipes please." Pumpkin quickly nods as she goes to the backpack grabbing the box of wipes and handed them to Georgie. "Here you go." Pumpkin barked out as she went back to her pillow and her toy hedgehog, lying down.

Georgie continued her work looking back at her designs, and continued on doing them for everyone. Finally after what felt like hours she finished everyone's. "Done!" Georgie says relieved as she waited to see what her friends say. "All of them looked at the. Make up smiling,"You do amazing Georgie again no one would recognize us, Now it is up to us to pull the rest of it off." Lilly says as Georgie realized she sounded more doubtful.

Pumpkin noticed to and jumped out off her pillow spinning around,chasing her tail, and barking trying to bring the attention to her as she knew it helped calm nerves. All the friends look at Pumpkin and start laughing at the dog. "Now I see why Pumpkin is such a great therapy dog she knows right when need cheering up." Ethan told Georgie who nodded as she picked up her dog praising Pumpkin. "Good girl Diva Dog thank you." Georgie told Pumpkin.

Pumpkin just nods, "No problem it's my job." Pumpkin barked out nuzzling closer to Georgie before hearing their theater name being called. Georgie smiled at her friends good luck you'll do amazing!" Georgie says to her friends who nods, "Yeah we will!" Lilly says as the other start to go out. As Georgie watched where she was. "Alright Pumpkin let's hope they know what they are doing." Georgie says quietly as Pumpkin nods before lying on Georgie's lap.


Around another half hour past and Georgie's group was finishing, and we're coming back to the backstage. Before Georgie could ask anything though Lilly pulled her out of the chair. Which startled both Georgie and Pumpkin who was dozing on Georgie's lap.

"Lilly what the heck." both said at the same time as Georgie grabs Pumpkin leash. "You'll never believe who came G never!" Lilly says not making much sense to Georgie and Pumpkin who were still confused as ever.

"Lilly slow down I, we, have no idea what you're talking about Georgie says looking at Pumpkin who had her head cocked in confusion. "Just wait we're almost there." Lilly says making Georgie roll her eyes. As she was pulled out on to the stage. Lilly than pointed out to where the crowd was, and Georgie saw the two people she wasn't expecting to see. Her parents Georgie then picks up Pumpkin. "I never thought they would come she whispered to the pup who nods.

"Well are you going to talk to them." Lilly asked excitedly. Georgie nods, "Yeah I will after they announce the winners Lil.

Pumpkin groans, "Why Georgie they hate me!" Pumpkin barked out at Georgie as they went back behind the curtain to start putting stuff away. "Will the five theater groups please come on stage please." Georgie heard the loudspeaker say as she saw as she saw the five groups walk out. She continues putting things away. "Georgie, Pumpkin come on your both a part of our group. Both Georgie and Pumpkin groan as they begrudgingly leave their work, and follow Lilly out on to the stage

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