A Mystery Baby +A Mysterious Pack= Confusion

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Hey everyone I hope you enjoy this chapter and thanks Descendantsfan03 for letting me use Baby Mal in this story. Also thanks Descendantsfan03 for letting me use your dialogue from Saving The Baby Dragon which if you haven't checked out you really should it's amazing 💖 Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter if you do vote and comment 💖

Did not proofread

A few days later Georgie had been setting up her makeup for the day of work ahead, as Pumpkin still lied on the bed just trying to ignore the noise Georgie was making as it was way to early for this despite the fact it was already almost ten thirty.

Pumpkin was trying to ignore it until Pumpkin sees Georgie placing her backpack down with less stuff in it. Pumpkin immediately realized what that meant and backed up, "Yeah not happening I don't know where we are exactly, but I know for a fact that we're not in Arizona anymore so what's the need of sneaking me around." Pumpkin barked out to Georgie who of course could not understand her completely, but she usually gets the memo.

Georgie rolled her eyes picking Pumpkin up, "I don't feel like dealing with security today will you please get in the bag. I'll feed you table food if that motivates you more." Georgie told the dog who sighs as she gets into the bag Georgie zipping it up most of the way just giving Pumpkin enough of airhole to breathe out of.


After the short walk to the cafeteria Georgie glanced around making sure no one from the security team were around. Once she sees no one around other then the other workers she let's Pumpkin out of the backpack as Pumpkin just lies on Georgie's lap sometimes getting a pieces of watermelon and others fruit, sadly there was no bacon that day though.

Afterwards Pumpkin had to get back into the bag, but was taken on a surprise car ride, which was Pumpkins favorite thing which Georgie knew even if she did claim she brought Pumpkin out with her, because she didn't trust her alone in the resort. Which she really didn't since Pumpkin was a mischief maker, and could get her fired or get lost in this new big place.

Thanks Descendantsfan03 for letting me use your dialogue here

A few hours later Georgie was walking down the hall alone, as Pumpkin had got tired of being carried in the backpack and wanted to stay in their room, and since Georgie only planned to be gone for a few minutes to ask Freddie about something. When she knocked into someone.

Georgie quickly starts to apologise, but the person she bumped into did first, "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." Georgie heard the other person say quickly realizing that she had bumped into Tessa "Hey Tessa," she says playfully as Tessa smiles.

"Georgie," Tessa says happily hugging Georgie who hugs back realizing there was a baby in Tessa's arms. "Tessa you never said you were a mom," Georgie says as she hadn't seen the baby. The last few times she saw Tessa, and she had seen, well more like heard Tessa step mother, and step sisters, quite a few times and they didn't seem responsible enough to babysit. Though who knows.

Her attention went back to Tessa though when she heard her start talking, "Oh um... I'm not really. It's complicated," Tessa stumbles out as Georgie nods not wanting to push her friends but still having a million questions, as she was confused on how Tessa had somehow got this purple hair baby.

"Okay got it well she's adorable!" Georgie told Tessa though she was still wondering how Tessa had gotten the baby, and she knew she was going to be talking to Pumpkin about this later. Even though Pumpkin couldn't talk back.

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