Puppy Names

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Did not proofread

Georgie drives to Lily's house and knocks on the door. Lily quickly opened it, "Thank the stars you're here! Hey pup look who's here." Lilly says as a puppy came dashing towards the door. Georgie took one look at it, and noticed something was completely different about her. "Um Lil that can't be the same dog the one we met was brown." Georgie says as the dog that ran right towards her was white.

Lily chuckled, "No it's the same pup. I just washed her, it turned out she was really, really muddy." Lily told Georgie who nodded. Looking at the puppy that was staring at her. " You know you're going to get me in a lot of trouble right." Georgie tells the pup as she picks her up. The pup nuzzling into her.

Lily smiled at the pair, "You know you two are cute together." Georgie rolled her eyes, "I'm still mad at you, but since I'm here now can I just sleep here. I can't sneak this pup home until tommorow." Georgie told Lily who just looked at her in shock, " Wait you're really actually taking her." Lily asked excitedly making Georgie hush her.

"Hush or were going to wake your neighbors, " Georgie warned as she sat down on the vacant be up putting the white dog down. Lily then asked again, "So you're actually taking her?" Lily whispered making Georgie roll her eyes playfully, " I really don't think I have a choice this pup has chose me whether I like it or not. Plus it has been quiet without you know who around" Georgie told Lily petting the white dog who was cuddled into her.

"You know the rest of our theater crew is going to have a field day when they find out you kept the puppy." Lily told Georgie who sighs, " Yeah I know I'm going to have an even harder time getting them to practice tommorow. Oh, and Ethan is going to hate me again." Georgie practically groaned.

Lilly laughed at Georgie, "On a different note what are you going to name her?" Georgie looked at the dog in her lap. Thinking about it. " I don't know. I'm still not sure if I should take her. I'm not an animal person, and plus who knows how much longer I'll live in that small room at my house. With my parents who will take her away if I don't have an eye on her all the time." Georgie told Lily who just sighs, " Georgie you'll take care of her just fine now let's find some good names for the pup alright." Lily asked.

" Are you saying we're pulling an all nighter?" Georgie asked as they hadn't pulled one of those since the night of graduation. "That's exactly what I'm saying are you in?" Lily asks excitedly. Georgie chuckles at her friends enthusiasm, " Of course I'm in, but I still have no idea what to call this pup." Georgie admitted as she was never good with names.

" What about Bella?" Lilly asked jokingly making Georgie and the puppy roll their eyes. " What I think Bella is a good name!" Lily exclaimed. "It's so overused for dogs though" Georgie told her friend before the puppy jumped off the bed and going over to the chair, where Georgie had put her purse.

Georgie  and Lily just looked at the puppy. "What are you doing pup?" Georgie questions as the pup grabs a random piece of paper. Giving it to Georgie who looked even more confused. "What did you find?" Georgie asked the puppy who barked.

Lilly looked at it curiously. "It's the picture of all of us theater kids doing our autumn play senior year. That was fun." Lily says making Georgie smile. "You weren't the one picking pumpkins..."  Before Georgie could finish her sentence the puppy started barking. "What pup?" Georgie asked the pup who barked again as she liked pumpkins.

Georgie just sighs, "As I was saying, you weren't the one picking pumpkins the weekend before with your theater teacher, and my horse!" Georgie tells Lily jokingly as the puppy starts barking at the word pumpkin again. Georgie groans, "What is your major malfunction with the word pumpkin?" Georgie asks the puppy who barks again.

" I think she likes it, and wants it to be her name. Right Pumpkin." Lily piped in as the dog barks and wags her tail happily. Georgie chuckled, "Pumpkin actually isn't a bad name. So Pumpkin it is." Georgie told Lilly and the puppy who wagged her tail loving  attention she was getting.


The next day Georgie had gotten all the supplies she needed from the pet store, thankfully she still had money saved from her last job. She then headed back to the park for rehearsals with Pumpkin following behind. "Alright Pumpkin, will you behave for me while we practice. This is very important to all of us. This could be our big break." Georgie told Pumpkin who had no idea what she was talking about but barked in agreement anyway.

Georgie looked at the puppy she had to admit. She had not wanted a dog, but now she was starting to enjoys Pumpkin's company. When they got to the pavilion Georgie sets her bag of makeup and costumes on one of the tables before sitting down.

Pumpkin already bored grabbed a stick bringing it to Georgie hoping she would take a hint. Georgie did and grabbed the stick from Pumpkin. "I'm guessing you want to play huh." Georgie told the pup who barked happily making Georgie laugh, " Alright girl fetch!" Georgie told the pup throwing the stick.


That night Georgie groans as she heads home, "Alright Pumpkin you need to be quiet. If my mom or dad finds out about you they will make me take you to the shelter, and trust me neither of us want that." Georgie told Pumpkin who sighs but nods.

Georgie quickly take some of the stuff out of her bag making enough room for the puppy. "Okay Pumpkin in the bag it will only be a few minutes I promise." Georgie told the pup who reluctantly got in. "Good girl." Georgie told Pumpkin zipping the backpack up most of the way just leaving a small hole for Pumpkin to breathe through,

Georgie was glad to see that only her mother was home. It would be easier to sneak Pumpkin in without her father being there. Georgie got in her home, looking at the vacant kitchen and living room.  Her mother must have already went to bed.

Georgie went up the stairs of her home, and went into her room sighing in relief. She was about to let Pumpkin out when the lights came on in her room. "Where have you been young lady?" Her mother asked Georgie who sighs she hated that her mother always had to know where she was.  "Practice ran late last night and Lilly invited me to stay over at her apartment." Georgie half lied to her mother, as she couldn't tell her that Lily basically forced her to come over and take a puppy home.

Her mother seemed content with the answer, until Georgie's bag started moving a little bit. "Um... Georgie why is your backpack moving?" Her mother asked in confusion, as Georgie quickly thought of a lie, "It must have been my phone vibrating. You know Lily is probably  calling me again." Georgie told her mother hoping she would believe her.

She once again sighs in relief, when her mother dropped the conversation telling her goodnight. Georgie then quickly closed her door unzipping her bag. "That was way to close Pumpkin." Georgie told the puppy as she picks her up, and puts her down on the floor. Before grabbing the small bag of puppy food she had gotten.

Pumpkin quickly ate the food, and starts walking to where Georgie kept her sketching stuff grabbing one of her color pencil. Georgie groans, she had forgotten to get puppy toys while she was out and she knew color pencil were not good for puppies to chew on. So she went to one of her drawers grabbing her old stuffed hedgehog. "Hey Pumpkin I have something much better to chew on." Georgie told Pumpkin placing the stuffed hedgehog down.

Pumpkin immediately dropped the color pencil and grabbed the hedgehog instead chewing on it. Georgie smiled as she lied down on her bed. Sighing as she looked at her phone texting Lilly quickly, before Pumpkin jumps on the bed.

Georgie sighs before saying, "Pumpkin down." The puppy whimpered but did as told. After a few minutes of waiting Pumpkin jumped up again. Making Georgie groan, "You're not going to give this up are you?" Georgie question as Pumpkin shakes her head no. Georgie sighs not feeling up to it, and knowing her father would be home any minute, "Fine, but tonight only understood?" Georgie told Pumpkin who nodded before curling up next to Georgie.

Well here's part two of the AU version The Puppy. I hope you enjoyed if you did vote and comment.💖

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