Packing and Thinking

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Hey guys here's another chapter that was an extra. I hope you enjoy if you do vote and comment 💖

"Whoa," Georgie tells the horse as she was taking Nova's tack off. It was late now and she was ready to go home, but the horse was refusing to let her out of the pen. "Nova let me out!" Georgie says still trying to get out of the pen while her  friend just chuckles. "Lily it's not funny" Georgie says trying to get out another way, but both and Caramel Buckwheat stop her. Making the eighteen year old groan. "Seriously guys, I promise I'll come back!" Georgie says to the free horses as Lily laughed.

"That horse of yours is determined to keep you here." Lily says still laughing as Georgie rolls her eyes, she loved her horse, but she wanted to get home to Pumpkin and pack for her trip, but Nova and her friends were determined to keep Georgie there. Georgie gently pets Nova's side hoping to calm the horse down a bit. Why was this so hard? All Georgie had wanted was to get out of this small town, but leaving her best friends and horse behind was hard. At least Pumpkin would come with her. 

"Nova, listen I love you, you have been my best buddy since I was nine and I will come back, but like the wild horses I have to be free. Listen I may even be able to get Brook and Rascal back if I go. I know you would love that right girl." Georgie says calmly knowing Nova's soft spot for Brook. The horse just looked at her reluctantly as she nuzzles Georgie's face nickering softly, as she really wanted to see her puppy friend again and she knew Georgie had to leave sometimes. She then steps aside with a whinny making Georgie smile. "I promise I'll be back girl I could never leave you." Georgie says as she walks out of the stall petting the muzzle of her horse. "I'll stop by tomorrow before I leave." Georgie told the horse before looking at Lily. "Come on Lil, let's go home. I need to check on Pumpkin and get packing." Georgie says Lily nods.

Alright, then let's go I want to see your Diva Dog too. You know she is such a sweetie right?" Lily says playfully even though that statement was true. Georgie just nods as her dog was a sweetie, but also a big troublemaker. Georgie would have to watch Pumpkin like a hawk during her job, but she didn't care as it was way too dangerous trying to leave Pumpkin here her parents would get her. She would just have to do the best she could. It's all she could do.


After walking home the two eighteen year olds notice Georgie's parents at the door of their apartment trying to get into it. Georgie just groans why couldn't they just leave her be she was eighteen now. She was old enough to make her own decisions and money, and she wasn't letting her parents take Pumpkin. "Mom, Dad, get out of here." Georgie says sternly, not even greeting them as she wants them gone. But her parents were going to put up a fight and Georgie knew that. They never listened to her. 

"Hey G, we were wondering where you two were. We wanted to talk to you about that puppy of yours." The father says as Georgie groans she was so tired of this, and she could tell Lily was too. The last time they had a discussion about puppies it did not end well, and it's what made Georgie hate her parents forever. The memory was still clear in her mind, and even though their apartment door was locked it made the eighteen year old nervous. She couldn't lose another dog. She definitely wouldn't let it happen again. 

"Mom, Dad, I said, get out of here, before we get Miss Quill. This is our apartment where we pay for it. So get out!" Georgie says, Miss Quill was the landlady, and she had her brother as the security guard. "Pumpkin is also my puppy. I don't live under your roof anymore, and I pay for everything for her, so you can't take her away from me." Georgie says as her parents leave grumbling about how much of a disappointment she was, but Georgie was used to that by now. She was different from her family; it came with that territory.

After they leave the two young adults go into their room seeing Pumpkin playing with Flora, and their home surprisingly in one piece. "Hey Diva Dog ready to start packing?" Georgie asks as the white puppy cocks her head but nods, grabbing her toys as Georgie starts putting makeup in her bag. Georgie then looked to Lily." Lily, can you get my clothes?" Georgie asks as Lily nods, getting Georgie's clothes hoping to help Georgie as best as she could. That when Lily noticed the two puppy blankets she had pressed Georgie into keeping knowing she might want them she brought it. 

"Hey G I know this is still a sensitive subject for both of us, but do you want to take the old blankets?" Lily questions as Georgie nods her head as she needs something from Brook and Rascal to make her feel calmer about the whole thing. So Lily put them in. Pumpkin instantly notices them and goes to play with the dog blanket and the dragon blanket, but Georgie notices, and stops her. 

"Hey Pumpkin no that's not a toy." Georgie calls out gently, as Pumpkin nods listening but was super confused as Georgie never restricted her from playing with anything, but stops Georgie then just sits on the bed with a sigh. "Tomorrow we leave Pumpkin. We won't have to worry about my parents again." Georgie reassures as she pets Pumpkin putting her bag down. "I'll pack the rest in the morning." Georgie says lying down as Lily does so as well.


"Hey G are you still awake." Lily asks a few hours later Georgie who was staring at the ceiling thinking about her promises to the mother dog two years ago which she had failed. She knew she should have moved on by now especially since Pumpkin was going to be safe, but she had never failed to keep a promise that important, and she still couldn't believe she had hurt an innocent puppy who was barely a dog herself, but it was the best thing for the dog. Georgie, you're doing it again." Lily says shaking the slightly older girl as she knew Georgie was up. This snapped Georgie out of her thoughts.

"Sorry, just thinking." Georgie says quietly looking at the white puppy Lily's eyes soften, she knew what Georgie was thinking about as she had only done this when thinking about the Yorkies. Georgie was still bearing herself up over it, and was still thinking about how she killed the mother dog.

"You did the right thing Georgie, and we'll find them I'm sure. I know it's been a year and a half, but they're out there somewhere. And Pumpkin is safe now." Lily says as Georgie nods Lily was right and she did have an early the next day. She should rest. So she sighs looking at her best friend. The one who she has known since she was six. 

"You're right Lily, I don't know what I'm going to do without you. You may be messy, crazy, and intolerable at times, but we've known each other since we were six. And I don't remember a day I haven't seen you since then." Georgie says, making Lily chuckle as she smiles, side hugging her bestie. She was so happy for her friend, and knew it would be different, but Georgie would do amazing and Lily knew that.

"You'll be great, and we'll see each other again. Now let's rest you have a big day tomorrow." Lily suggested as Georgie nods at her friend, readjusting her covers  as she looks to Lily.

"Goodnight Lily." Georgie says as she got settled again she had no idea where this was going to take her, but she was ready to do the job. She would miss this place though she wouldn't miss her parents, but Arizona had always been her home. She then looked at Pumpkin. She was ready to do anything for her dog and maybe just maybe find Brook and Rascal.

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