Another Puppy?

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Well here's chapter 13 I hope you enjoy, thank you Descendantsfan03 for letting me use Baby Mal. And I'm adding my new OC Mira into this she is a papillon Chihuahua mix. I hope you enjoy, and thanks again Descendantsfan03 for letting me use Baby Mal💖

Did not proofread

"Come on, Diva Dog let's take out the trash then we can read." Georgie tells Pumpkin as she puts the leash on the puppy. Pumpkin looked at her in surprised she thought she would have to be carried in the bag. Georgie just smiled, "While I was helping Tessa I was able to get Freddie to get the secretary to lay off us." Georgie tells Pumpkin who nods in understanding as they walk to the exit near the beach.

Pumpkin let the wind flow through her fur, as she sat walked alongside her owner the pale moon reflecting off the sea making it very beautiful. She had missed doing this. They use to this all the time back in Arizona even though it was usually at the park. She sighs in content at the quiet darkness around them. For once since they got here it was actually quiet. Pumpkin wags her tail as Georgie got to the trash can starting to put the large trash bag inside

That is before both Pumpkin and Georgie hear a whimper. "Pumpkin did you hear that," Georgie asks as Pumpkin nods, "Yeah I think it another puppy." Pumpkin told Georgie who was  moving some of the trash a way finding a puppy underneath. Pumpkin barked, "Hey what is it let me see," Pumpkin barked out curiously as Georgie hushed her.

"Hey puppy it's okay, I'm going to help you out of here. " Georgie says trying to grab the puppy but it flinches back. She then gets another idea. "Pumpkin there is a puppy in there do you think you can calm her enough for me to get her. Pumpkin sighs but nods this was her job after all reading could wait.

Pumpkin felt herself being lifted into the dumpster seeing the white and brown puppy that looked to be younger than her. Pumpkin went over to her carefully"Hey my name is Pumpkin and the lady above us is my owner Georgie. We don't mean any harm we just want to help." Pumpkin says reassuringly as the puppy look to her. "Are you sure your owner will not hurt me," The puppy questions worriedly as Pumpkin nods.

"Of course I am Georgie is the best, she would not hurt a puppy I promise. Will you let us help you please ," Pumpkin asks as the puppy nods slowly, "Yeah that would be nice, as long as you promise not to take me back to the shelter," The puppy says, "I promise," Pumpkin says before barking for Georgie who picked up the puppy gently before grabbing Pumpkin and putting her dog on the ground. "Good job Diva Dog," Georgie says as Pumpkin nods wagging her tail.

"Now what your name girl Georgie asked directing her question to the other puppy who wagged her tail sadly before yipping, "I don't have one," the puppy barked as Georgie saw her bandana that said she was a rescue. "Oh your a rescue dog, I guess we should take you back to the rescue then," Georgie tells the puppy as she did not want another dog, as Pumpkin was enough to keep track of. Two dogs would just be to much.

The puppy whimpers and Pumpkin barks her disagreement, before both dogs get an idea, "Puppy dog eyes they always work," Pumpkin told the other pup who nods as they both start whimpering. Georgie rolls her eyes. "No, no, not happening, Pumpkin it's not going to work this time. You are enough to handle plus this dog is cute she'll find a home. Just like you would've if Lilly wasn't so persistent," 

Georgie told Pumpkin who huffed as the puppy trembled. "Aww it's okay girl I promise they'll find you a good home," Georgie reassured as she carried the puppy to her car. Going to take it to the rescue shelter she had come from." Pumpkin sighs as she sits in the backseat with the unnamed puppy. Who was whimpering and trembling. "Their going to euthanize me if I go back." The puppy told Pumpkin sadly which broke Pumpkin's heart now she had to get Georgie to adopt her, but how?


At the rescue center Georgie  brought the puppy out as she met one of the workers, "Hi I think I found one of your dogs." Georgie says kindly still holding the puppy. "Yeah that's one of our I'm surprised she's letting you hold her. She usually nips and bites everyone she sees." The workers says as Georgie looked at the worker confused, "What this sweetie, she has been nothing, but sweet to me." Georgie told the worker who smiled, "Have you ever thought about adopting,"  Georgie just smiles.

"Yes I actually have a pup in the car waiting for me, but I don't think I can take another puppy." Georgie told them as the workers sighs, "That's to bad because this little one is scheduled to be euthanized tommorow. I would adopt her myself, but she doesn't like me." The worker tells Georgie, as Georgie sighs she could not let this pup die for no reason. "I'll take her what do I need to fill out and how much is she."

The worker smiles, "We're just trying to get rid of her, you can go ahead and just take her, and thank you for saving her life" The worker says as Georgie nods, "No problem." Georgie says as she get back in her car, "Well Pumpkin it looks like you have a sister." Georgie says as Pumpkin barks happily so did the puppy who was surprised Georgie actually adopted her. "Really this is going to be my new family."

The puppy asks excitedly making Georgie and Pumpkin, "Yep welcome home." Pumpkin says as Georgie look to the puppy, "Welcome to the family Mira." Georgie told the pup who cocked her head, "Yep Mira is your new name it means destiny and ocean. What do you think Mira." Both Pumpkin and Mira barked their agreement as Georgie laughs, "Alright then let's go home, and figure out how I'm going to keep Mira hidden as it's only supposed to be you and me, Diva Dog and I can get in trouble, but oh well." Georgie told Pumpkin who rolled her eyes, put her in the bag like you did with me. Pumpkin says as they pulled into a parking spot at the resort, "Good idea Diva Dog, I'll have to get Mira some things tommorow, but it's late." Georgie says gently putting Mira in her bag gently before walking into the makeup trailer.

Inside Pumpkin quickly grabbed their book, "Just a few pages please!" She barked out making Georgie and Mira roll their eyes as Mira got comfortable on the bed content with this new life. "Alright Diva Dog alright Mira I'll read a few chapters, but then bed time understood. Both dogs nod "Understood." They bark in unison. As they all got comfortable on the bed, as Georgie began to read.

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