Meet My Pack

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Hey everyone I hope you enjoy this chapter if you did vote and comment thanks for reading 💖

Did not proofread

"Is she asleep yet?" Pumpkin questions Mira who sighs, but nods, "Yeah she is why?" Mira asks nervously as she continues to lie on the bed near Georgie curled up she had enjoyed her first few hours with the two so far and had really enjoyed the few pages of the story Georgie had read.

"Because I want you to meet my friends" Pumpkin says as she looks to Georgie making sure she was asleep. "I don't know about it. Pumpkin it's dark out and I really, really don't think we should. Georgie told us to stay inside. That it's safer for us." Mira told Pumpkin sighs you're no fun. My friends will love you now let's go I want to introduce you before they try to kill you." Pumpkin says making the new pup back up a little bit, "Okay now I'm definitely not going." Mira says lying back down. As Pumpkin huffs grabbing her scruff. "Come on let's go."  Pumpkin days dragging her new 'sister' down the hole.

"Pumpkin let me go! Let me go now, this is dangerous!" Mira barks out as Pumpkin dragged her on to the sand. "No it isn't. My friends will adore you." Pumpkin tells Mira who sighs and rolls her eyes not liking this as she just wanted to rest as the day had been tiring and she was still adjusting to the idea that she wasn't going to get killed, and that she actually had a home that would take care of her. "Alright I'll go but I can walk myself."  Mira says looking at Pumpkin with a slight glare. Pumpkin just sighs and let's go, "Alright now follow me you are going to love my pack." Pumpkin says as they walked on the sand.

Mira looked around at the beautiful waters, she knew that this wasn't her forever home, but she sure could get use to seeing the blue water everyday, and enjoying the beach, she was pulled out of her thoughts though when Pumpkin nudged her, "We're here now come on." Pumpkin says motioning towards the nine animals making Mira gulp as at her  old home at the rescue the dogs were put in pens of three and thankfully she was placed with her friends. Who knew she didn't like loud noises, and wasn't very sociable. So she didn't like this very much.

"Pack wake up!" Pumpkin barks excitedly making all the pack jolt awake and Tempest screech in surprise, which made Mira cower, as the bird was huge, and it was a hunting bird, not to mention very, very loud. "Pumpkin what in the street dogs it's one in the morning!" Jade and Diamond call out in unison as they were all sleeping and Pumpkin had woke the whole pack up.

Pumpkin puts her tail and ears down for a few seconds before wagging her tail again, "Sorry pack I'm just excited. I have a new friend I want you to meet." Pumpkin tells them as Mira just stands as still as she can as the pack glares at her. This wasn't going to go well. Pumpkin quickly realizes the look the pack is giving Mira and barks out, "This is Mira, Georgie just adopted her earlier this evening." Pumpkin told Diamond, Jade, and the pack who look to Pumpkin then to Mira.

"Are you going to steal Pumpkin's owner from her." Diamond questions with a growl as Mira quickly shook her head. "N..n.. no I would... never. Mira answers nervously still backing up again. She wanted to go back to her little hideout where her friend were waiting. She wanted to tell them all about Pumpkin and how she had gotten a new life, and that for once she was happy. She wanted to get away from all these animals.

She then heard a black pug say, "Pumpkin we talked about this. Georgie could get rid of you now that there is a cuter puppy. And I bet it's all part of her plan." Jade growls as the whole pack starts fighting as Pumpkin knew that was not true and that Mira would never do something like that. "You guys seriously need to stop being so paranoid Georgie would never do a thing like that, and Mira needed a home. We're sisters now and even though I've  just met Mira I know we're going to be best friends, and I love her. So does Georgie that's all that matters." Pumpkin barks out mad at her friend as she could tell Mira was frightened by them.

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