What Are You Doing Here

17 1 7

I didn't proofread. Enjoy 💖

Pumpkin quickly walked around the outside of the resort still surprised by the huge place that they were staying at, and still in awe at the fact they were working here. Pumpkin was one thing though, Pumpkin was bored. Once Pumpkin had got her ice cream. Georgie had left for the store and since that was one place Pumpkin certainly wasn't allowed at so she was staying in her trailer room thingy, but it was definitely boring. Where was the adventure?


After getting off the top of the plane the pack had started to follow Pumpkin's scent that seemed to be impossible to find while staying out of sight. "Jade take a left." Thorn barked out quietly as she carried the three younger dogs on her back as Jade turned right, Thorn groaned. "The other left." Thorn says as Arrow chuckled at his friends irritation making Thorn glare at him.

Diamond groaned as well looking up to Tempest who was flying above them, "Temp do you see Pumpkin yet?" Diamond asked the bird who flew higher, "Not yet Dia. In fact I have no idea where we're at I'm going to try and recalculate. Hold on Loki! Caelum est fines!" Tempest called out flying as high as she could. Loki letting out a startled yelp, "Why do you always do this. Next time at least go a bit slower! We all know your the fastest and strongest bird around. You don't have to prove it every time!" Loki says as Tempest rolls her eyes, "You're the one who thought it wise to make friends with a falcon eagle not me. You signed up for this!" Tempest told Loki who sighs.

Well at least you helped me survive in the desert." Loki told her before Loki saw something I see Pumpkin she's outside this very big building." Tempest turns the way he's looking, "Guys we got eye on the target. Follow us. Tempest says flapping her wings slowly for she wouldn't lose the pack.

The pack quickly followed as Tempest was going to fast for them but it was also her slowest speed since she was such a massive bird. "All excited to know there friend was safe, as none of them liked flying other then Loki who was so use to being on Tempest.


Tempest can we take a minute break not all of us have long legs or wings." Arrow says as Tempest sighs, "Yeah sure Loki and I will find something for us to eat. Which shouldn't take too long I see a place we can steal from right around here Tempest says as Loki smirks, "You had me at stealing, fly Tempest fly!" Loki says making Tempest snicker, "Alright, alright, I'm going, and pack stay together please I don't feel like a search and rescue adventure today. Tempest says before taking off to grab some food with Loki.

"Alright Loki, no taking anything we don't need understood!" Tempest says knowing Loki by now, Loki puts his paws up, "Okay I won't, I won't I promise!" Loki says before hopping off and stealing some bread and meat." Alright Tempest let's hurry and get back if the pack is as hungry as I am then we're going to have to dead dog on our hands." Tempest tells Loki who nods, "Yeah your right let's go!" Loki says  holding on tightly to the food and to Tempest.


Meanwhile Pumpkin had been exploring a bit farther out, but not venturing out to far because she didn't want to get lost. Pumpkin then looked up at the sky somewhat confused as she had only saw one bird since coming here. The rest were airplanes and these flying objects called drones, "That is until a familiar, huge bird flys across the sky towards where Pumpkin smelled food. It looked a lot like Tempest, but she shook it off.

There was no way Tempest could have flown all this way it must be some distant relative of her thoughts that is until she saw a grey and black tail that looked to be a raccoon okay.. Now that had to be Tempest every other big bird like her would have ate a raccoon by now not to mention she could see one of Loki's shiny rings on his tail.

What were they doing here though? They had their nice home in Arizona that was safe dry and secure. Why would they fly to wherever they were? Pumpkin didn't know, but she hoped Tempest would come around again. She always felt way safer with an eagle falcon flying around since that bird could take off somebody heads if she needed to, not to mention Loki was good at causing mischief. Pumpkin then pointed her nose to where the falcon was heading, smelling her whole pack.

Her nose must be deceiving her though, because there was no way in how her whole pack was here. How would they get here in the first place. Though Pumpkin follow the smell to curious to care and since Tempest was here she could easily find her way back to this hotel resort thing the building is huge.


Pumpkin quickly found that her nose was actually correct as she saw her whole pack sitting in an alleyway eating what looked to be stolen food. "Jade! Diamond, what are you and your pack doing here?" Pumpkin asked in confusion as the pack turned to her as Diamond snickered, "Did you really think you would get rid of us that easily." Diamond asks as Jade nods, "You're one of us and when we joined the Whirlwind pack we made a oath to never leave one of our own behind. Because if you want to pick a fight you better watch your back. Cause if you mess with one of us?" Jade says as the pack finishes her sentence "Then you mess with the pack!" Pumpkin wagged her tail.

"Great, but... how did you actually get here?" Pumpkin asks curious on how they made a day or two trip into a four hour one because not even Tempest could fly that fast. Though the whole pack looked to Tempest, "Well we all rode on Tempest for fifteen minutes before landing on your white winged transportation thing what are they called a plane?" Dove says making Pumpkin look at them in shock, "You did all that for me?"

Pumpkin asks as Diamond snickered again, "We got the bruises from the crash land to prove it leashed dog." Diamond says as Pumpkin did in fact see that all of them had a barely visible bruise on them. "Alright well since your here to help me I'll help you. There is a beach on the other side of the resort I'm staying in. I'm pretty sure I found a nice knook for you guy to stay at. And then I can visit and you can check on me every day agreed?" Pumpkin asks as the pack nods, "Agreed the pack says in unison as Tempest takes off leading the way back to the resort.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter if you did vote and comment 💖

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