Not Coming Back

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Hey guys I decided to make a few extra chapter for the beginning of the stories to help the prequel (A Crazy Summer) I'm working on make more sense. I have one more chapter to go with this one, and I also made some changes to the first four chapters to help it glide better so you can check this out if you want. Anyway I hope you enjoy if you do vote and comment 💖

"I still can't believe you got a job offer." Lily told Georgie excitedly, as she was super excited for Georgie as she would finally be able to make money and get out of Arizona for awhile which she knew Georgie wanted since they were twelve. Georgie just continued looking through her phone. With Pumpkin lying beside her, perfectly content with what they were doing. "Georgie you okay, you haven't talked much since you got the news which is unlike you." Lily says, making Georgie look up.

"Oh um yeah, what do you say about a ride." Georgie asks as Lily nods. Not quite convinced that Georgie was okay as Georgie didn't zone out like that often. Usually either when she was thinking about their old puppies,or when she was thinking really hard about something. She did want to ride Caramel though, and Georgie was leaving the next day. So it may be the last time they get to do so for the next few weeks. So it would be fun to ride the horses a bit

"I'm always up for a ride, it's not going to be the same without Mr. Terrance around, but we should ride one more time for old time sake." Lily says as Georgie nods, making both eighteen year olds sigh, they had lost the elderly man half a year prior, and it was still hard going into the stable and not seeing him or talking with him. The two get up though as they start heading out, "Hey what about Pumpkin she's never ridden before, and I don't know how the horses would handle a new puppy." Lily says as Georgie looks at the pup who was sleeping grabbing one of the old puppy toy Lily had kept. And putting it by her. 

"She won't even notice we're gone." Georgie says grabbing her book bag as they head out to the stables. Where the horses always stayed. "Hey Nova, ready for a ride" Georgie says once getting to the stable the horse just whinnies happily. Caramel also heard the word ride and whinnies making Georgie chuckle as she puts the tack on. "Lily, I think your horse has a bone to pick with you." Georgie teases as she gets on her horse. "Come on Nova giddy up." She says as Lily groans, putting the stuff on her horse and quickly getting Caramel to gallop. 

"So where to?" Lily asks curiously as they had until it got dark to ride, and she wondered what her friend had in mind. She really hoped that finding the wild horse herd was part of it. And maybe go to the big hill to watch the sunset. She used to love doing that with Georgie, but they hadn't done it forever since Georgie distanced herself after Brook and Rascal got taken. She thought it was her fault, and that Lily would hate her. It took Lily almost five months to convince her best friend otherwise, and then of course Mr. Terrance passed which was hard, and then they were very absorbed with theater and school. So they actually hadn't had a carefree ride for a while so this would be nice.

"I was thinking maybe we should go see the wild horses, and then we could go to the lake, and then watch the sunset at the hill." Georgie says as she directs her horse to the right. "Come on I bet I can still beat you!" Georgie says challengingly as she loved racing their horses, and even though both she and Nova were older she knew she could still beat Lily and Caramel, but she wanted to make sure with her horse first. "What ya say Nova, do you still have it." Nova whinnies and stomps her hoof. Making Georgie smirk knowing that was a yes.

"Oh your on! Come on Caramel ya." Lily says, taking a head start as both Nova and Georgie roll their eyes. They would give them the head start; it wouldn't help Lily or Caramel out much anyway. She and Nova were still the fastest duo around. Before prodding Nova to go, which made the bronze mare gallop off, already gaining on Lily and Caramel. 

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