things that irritate me on wattpad

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here's a list of things i find quite annoying about wattpad writers and their stories. now, i'm not trying to be mean here, just telling u guys my opinion!

1. when the book title is longer that the chapters inside of it. imagine a book title going like ''how i fell in love with my brother's best friend that actually is a vampire hiding in the shadows'' i wouldn't want to read that. i mean, no offense but you just basically told me the whole plot???

2. when almost every teen fiction story has that witch barbie looking mean and self confident girl that gets every boy around the town. not every school has that girl. i mean, sure there are some mean people around the world, but why does it have to be this one particular good looking girl that decided to mock the main character for no reason??? and plus, she always has the most gorgeous boyfriend in the whole universe and after like two chapters, the main character steals that boyfriend. i don't know about you but i just don't like that.

3. when the main character and its love interest fall in love after the first chapter. i don't know about you but i have never heard of someone falling in love after they just met the person. that's exactly why it took my main character, a full 20 chapters to finally have a first kiss with a boy. that's more amazing from my point of view, because you're being all excited and waiting for it to finally happen, and when it happens you can't be more happier. but when it happens in the first chapter or immediately after the two love birds met, it just ruins everything and makes me think that i brought popcorn for nothing.

4. when romance stories always have something like this included: falling in love with my best friend, falling for my best friend's brother, or even falling for my brother's best friend. i just. i don't even want to start about it. *rubs temples*

5. when in every god damn werewolf story, the alpha male has to be the biggest douche ever. i mean, that doesn't always have to be the truth! i mean, just look at scott mccall, the boy with that shaggy hair, big brown eyes, has an uneven jaw, thinks that he's the hot girl, loves girls who mommed him, and yet he's a true alpha. why not make the character be like that? and not the biggest douche that has ever walked the earth.

6. this is really off topic but what irritates me the most is when i start hiccuping in class. and i don't mean like the normal hiccup, it's more like a hiccup where a demon is trying to crawl out of you. it's like you're laughing, burping and hiccuping at the same time. not even wanting to mention how hard it is to stop so that the teacher has to ask you to leave the class and come back when you've calmed down. 

7. i hate how my brothers chews. he's chewing like he's got bricks inside of his fricking mouth. i'm not even kidding. like when you're sitting next to that kid while lunch, you'll probably wish that you have never been born.

i also hate the fact that i really need to pee like right now

but i'm so lazy to even get up and go upstairs.

the perks of being the most laziest person in the world

bless u

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