ranting disorder???

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so I've gotten a message from a dude saying that he has done a review about this book. and once I opened the link, I've seen what he wrote about it(I screenshot it and put it here for u guys to see)

just look at what he says! he says that I've found a good place for people with ranting disorder? I mean, what does that even mean?

and rage attacks??? seriously??

"Do you want to read cuss words? I guess your answer would be nope"

first of all I have a warning at the beginning of this book that it contains swearing, if you're not comfortable with that then don't read it, I don't understand what's the point of this dude doing a review about this?

this book is all about laughing and fun, not about someone being a lil ass about this.

and I'm not the only one whose rants contain swear words! or, am I?

I don't even know guys, this just really makes me sad, because all I wanted was to make someone laugh, not to be rude and make myself look as if I have anger issues? I don't have anger issues. I'm a calm, loving person.

if you're not comfortable with my rants then don't read them, but please don't be rude about it! it's disrespectful and such an irrelevant thing to do.

and one more thing, I ain't a freaking guy. this dude kept repeating "his" "him" "he" I'm a girl helllooooo.

thank you.
have a nice day while I turn into a unicorn.

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