Chapter 10

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Momo's birthday bash was in full swing, There were people inside and outside dancing and having a blast.

Momo could see Sana chatting up to some girl, Nayeon dancing with some other friends, and Mina sitting on the couch. The birthday girl decided to go to Mina just to make sure she's okay.

"Are you alright Minari?" Momo asks placing a hand on the younger girl's shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm just waiting on Jeongyeon and the others to come. I want her to formally meet you guys so she can form a proper impression." Mina says looking up at her friend.

"Are you sure this a good idea? I don't think she'll talk to us or Nayeon."

"Nayeon is a definite no, I don't know what she did but it's a very touchy subject to Jeongyeon. You and Sana are a possibility. Chaeyoung knows you guys and Jihyo is friendly. If they both form a good opinion of you both then Jeongyeon will end up giving you a chance... Well, that's the way I see it. She values both of them a lot, So I assume their opinion means a lot to her." Mina replied, Momo simply nodded as she got up to go check on her other friends.


"This must be the place." Jihyo says as Daniel pulls up to the curb.

"The house quite small isn't it?" Jeongyeon mumbles, She was expecting Momo's house to be much bigger.

"Still bigger than mine." Chaeyoung replied.

"Sorry Chaeng." Jeongyeon apologized.

"It's alright, Let's go in." The group of four agreed as they got out of the car and made their way to the front door. They could hear the loud music blasting and people yelling from outside.

"This is such a different environment from my get-together." Jeongyeon mumbles as she followed her friends. The dark-haired beauty felt slightly uncomfortable, Yes she had gone to parties before but never like this. Much less the host of the party wasn't her favorite person, She was just lucky it was Mina who asked her to come, and that Jihyo and Chaeyoung were available at this time. (Jeongyeon and Jihyo would later learn that Chaeyoung didn't have permission to go and left out on her own.)

Once they were inside it was crowded. Daniel had grabbed Jihyo's hand and drag her away from the crowd leaving Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung to fend for themselves.

"Chaeng do you know anyone here?" Jeongyeon says as she held the smaller girl's hand.

"What? I can't hear you?" Chaeyoung says as she drags her friend to the food station where it was quieter.

"What kind of food is this? All of this is unhealthy."

"Jeongyeon relax, eating unhealthy for one day isn't going to destroy your lifelong dream of becoming an Olympic figure skater." Chaeyoung says as she reaches for the snacks. She then turned towards Jeongyeon. "Eat this, I promise you everything will work out. Stop stressing."

"I hate it when you're right." Jeongyeon reluctantly took the snack as she went and sat on the kitchen island table.

"Alright stay here, and I'll go find...nevermind here she is." Chaeyoung says as she watched Mina made her way towards both of them.

"I'm glad both of you could make it." The blonde says as she hugged both girls. "Do you like the party?"

"Not really my cup of tea, It's very loud and a lot of vulgar music." Jeongyeon says as she took a bite into the snack Chaeyoung gave her.

"Oh yeah, Momo only plays what the crowd wants she doesn't listen to this type of music on a daily basis. Sana is another story. What about you Chaeyoung?"

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