Chapter 14

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Today was competition day for Jeongyeon. After the festival night, she was in a much better place with the rest of the girls. She couldn't say she would be friends with all of them but she could say they aren't that bad.

The dark-haired girl couldn't help but feel happy. Mina had given her a pin to wear for good luck. 'Got to ask her out when I come back.' Jeongyeon thought as her group was called to do warm-ups on the ice.

Jeongyeon could see her mother and her coach near the stands watching her as she went into the preparation for a triple lutz. The dark-haired beauty made the jump and landed it flawlessly. She skating around the ice a few more times before going into preparation for a triple axel.

Jeongyeon wasn't a fan of the triple axel because she always struggles on that jump. Since her coach knew that she struggled, They decided to cut it out of the routine and made Jeongyeon go for an alternate but eventually she'll have to do it in her routine one day.

Jeongyeon remembered her coach telling her to only attempt the axel if she felt comfortable in doing so.

Jeongyeon stumbled a bit when she landed the axel as she looked over to her coach who gave her a thumbs up.

"Alright, By random draw we will be starting our Long program with Bea Kelly from the United States going first." After some time the announcer said as Jeongyeon and the other figure skaters got off the ice.


Jeongyeon was on high nerves watching the other skaters, Her coach had come to her earlier comforting her while she also has received text messages from her friends.

"We are now announcing Yoo Jeongyeon from South Korea." The announcer said. Jeongyeon looked at her coach one last time who gave her a reassuring smile.

"You got this honey!" Jeongyeon could hear her mom shout as she went out on the ice, Skating around and waving to people.

The dark-haired girl made her way to the center, crossing her hands and pointing her left leg out, waiting for the music to start.

Once the music started Jeongyeon waited for four counts before gliding on the ice, She immediately went into an arabesque, while slowly bringing her hand up. Whenever Jeongyeon ice skates she felt like she could fly.

After putting her leg down that's where her skills started to come in. Immediately Jeongyeon started to skate backward to pick up momentum so she could prepare for a triple flip.

Jeongyeon could feel the cold breeze on her face as she turns her body and struck the ice with her right toe pick before launching herself in the air and twisting her body. When the dark-haired girl felt her skates touch the ice she immediately smiled and continued skating around, making different gestures with her arms and hands.

Jeongyeon made her body small before leaping with a burst of energy as she went into her first spin sequence.

As Jeongyeon twirled, She began to lift her left leg backward before pulling it up behind her back. The judges knew this as the Biellmann spin.

The dark-haired girl stops right on beat as she glided across the ice and prepared herself mentally and physically for one of her harder skills. The triple Lutz in combination with the Triple loop.

'You got this.' Jeongyeon thought to herself as she took a deep breath. Jeongyeon knew despite what happened everything will be alright.

She was correct she had it in the bag.


After Day one of the competition, Jeongyeon and her mother went to the hotel they were staying at. Jeongyeon's mother decided to get some food for the both of them so she left Jeongyeon alone.

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