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She was the coldest girl in school. 

She had the sharpest eyes that could tear you apart.

And the firmest voice you'll ever hear.

Nobody wanted to get on her bad side.

Everyone knew why she was like that.

But it didn't stop them from admiring her or even attempting to ask her out just to get shut down terribly.

She was only nice to her closest friends.

People she knew would never hurt her, or betray her trust.

She promised herself that she would never love again.

Love was too painful for her.

To be able to trust someone that much as if they were your family.

To be able to share secrets as if they were your best friend.

To be able to be affectionate, and give them all of your love and attention.

To expect the same from them.

It was too much.

It was too much for Yoo Jeongyeon and she despised it.

She hated seeing happy couples.

Knowing that her heart was broken many times.

She wonders why her, Why is she the unlucky one in love.

She knows it's not for her looks or her personality. (At least she thinks)

She wonders what made her so special to be the only one cheated on and abused in every single relationship she entered in.

She hopes that one day if she was lucky enough to find that special someone that could make her trust and believe in love again.

That they would treat her right.

They would treat her like a queen.

That they would never hurt her.

But once again those are just thoughts, dreams that may never become a reality.

Until she met her...

A/N: Hi everyone :) As I mentioned in All Mine recent update, I will be posting my currently active story which is this :) I'm going to post chapter one and try to post the book cover.

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