Chapter 17

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Mina hated her new life. Just a few weeks ago she had a girlfriend, friends, and loved ballet. Now she's at a strict school, barely any friends, no girlfriend, and starting to hate ballet again. The now brunette entered the school building. Everything was uniform, All kids wore uniforms and had to have their hair a dark natural color. (Meaning brown or black) Luckily enough the school had the same age structure as Mina's previous school did, So she was still counted as a fifth year.

Mina kept to herself and tried to make no friends, But despite that, there were many people interested in her. The two people she had befriended were chill people. One was named Nako, and one was named Sakura. Of course, Mina didn't see them all the time because they were younger than her but when she did they made her time here a bit more bearable.

Due to her beauty, she had a whole bunch of suitors who she rejected and Mean girls who tried to come after her. 'I just want to go home.' Mina thought as she rode the bus to her ballet studio. Once Mina arrived she immediately went into the dressing room she then changed into her leotard and tights and went to the barre. The new instructor that she had was way more strict and she was slowly losing her passion for ballet.

Once she had completed the class and was walking out the receptionist stopped her.

"Miss Myoui, Someone left a gift for you." The receptionist lady pulled out a small gift box.

"Please, call me Mina." Mina took the box and hid it in her bag. Since her mother lost it, Mina had a guard with her most of the time (Unless she's at school or ballet.), So she wouldn't "disappear".

"Thank you." Mina said as she went into the parking lot. She quickly found the car and went in greeting her guard.

Mina watched as they arrived at a smaller home than the one they had in Korea. It was her grandparent's home. Before they had passed they gave it to her mother and now both of them are living there.

As soon as the car stopped, Mina instantly rushed in and ran to the bathroom. The brunette opened her bag and grabbed the gift box. She knew exactly who it came from because of the strawberry packaging.

Mina opened the box to reveal a small burner phone. 'Thank you Chaeyoung.'


After being released from the hospital, Jeongyeon went home. The dark-haired girl looked at the plush Hirai had given her. 'Dumbass.' Jeongyeon thought as she held onto it.

"Did Jihyo gave you that?" Jeongyeon's mother asks.

"No... Someone else did."

When they arrive home, Jeongyeon's father and sisters came outside to help Jeongyeon inside. Despite the girl pleads that she was fine and can walk on her own.

"It's just a boot and crutches. I'm not in a wheelchair guys."

"How long do you want to stay home." Jeongyeon's father asks.

"Well, I don't have any choice because I would've gone to school tomorrow. I'll come back next week."


Over the weekend Jeongyeon had many visitors, From extended family members to coaches. Jihyo and Chaeyoung even made a visit. Chaeyoung explained to her that Mina got the phone. "How do you know if she really got the phone?"

"Her instructor told me. She even said the receptionist lady told her Mina took it... I don't know if she's having a hard time figuring out how it works or if she doesn't have enough time to send a message. I'll update you when I can." Chaeyoung explained.

Jeongyeon cracked a small smile at both of her friends. "We'll see what's really going on, and at least we'll be able to communicate with her."

"Ain't this Momo's plush?" Jihyo said grabbing the ostrich plush. "I knew something was off in this room...why do you have it?" Chaeyoung turned to Jeongyeon who stared back at Jihyo.

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