Chapter 1

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It was the first day of school, For some students, it was the first day of high school at one of the biggest international school, located in Seoul, South Korea. The hallways were loud and crowded, many students were hugging their friends that they haven't seen over the summer while first-year students were asking for directions to find their classes. The noise soon dies down as the sound of heels clicking got louder and louder. Everyone excluding the clueless new kids who had no idea what's going on froze and made space for the girl who was the source of the noise.

A dark hair girl made her way down the hall, She wore a two-piece skirt and top set with white heels while carrying her purse. She had the sharpest stare on her face as she made her way to her locker where her friend was waiting for her.

"Hey Jeong, How was the summer vacation." Another girl with long brown hair said, hoping that the students around them would go back to talking and making noise. It's not that she wasn't used to the attention because Park Jihyo is the fifth years' student class president and the secretary for the student government association. It's the fact that it was so silent whenever her best friend was nearby. Jihyo knows that her friend can't help how people react to her but from her previous year's actions, it's reasonable.

The taller girl turned towards her best friend and smiled. "Summer was great. How was summer Jihyo?"

Not too far away from the duo, a group of freshmen and sophomores was watching. "Who is that and why did everyone get quiet?"

"That's Yoo Jeongyeon the school's ice queen. Even though she's a fifth-year student here she scares everyone even her seniors. The only person I've seen her be nice to her best friend Park Jihyo who's right beside her and a lucky third-year named Son Chaeyoung." One girl explained.

'I think she's cute, she doesn't look scary at all."

"Yeah that's another thing, nearly everyone has a crush on her and she's awful when she turns down people. So everyone watches from afar."

"Why is she awful?"

"I don't know, This is what I heard from some of the older kids." The brunette said as she turned towards the freshman, she was about to say something else but instantly went quiet as the girls they were talking about walked past them.

"That was scary, It was nice talking to you. Hopefully, I'll see you around. What's your name?" The brunette said as soon as both girls were out of earshot.

"My name is Yuna, What's yours?"

"My name is Chaeryeong and this is my best friend Lia." Chaeryeong said as she linked arms with Lia as they both walked away leaving the freshman alone.


Jeongyeon and Jihyo made their way to their first class of the day which was also their homeroom classroom. Since they were early the classroom was empty with the exclusion of the teacher who greeted them.

Both girls sat near the windows as they caught up with each other since they haven't seen each other the whole break. Another girl with short dark hair entered the classroom and wrapped her arms around both girls who were sitting.

"Yah! " Jihyo jumped and Jeongyeon turned to see no other than Son Chaeyoung.

"Chaeyoung you butt! Why would you scare both of us?"

"It's funny seeing your faces, Both of you got the most expressive faces I've seen and I have seen expressive before." Chaeyoung grin as she pulled a chair over and sat down. "Anything interesting happened over break?"

"Nah, Same thing as always. My family plans a trip and we stay there for a good two weeks and then we go to another one." Jeongyeon replied. Jihyo on the other hand stayed quiet as both girls turned towards her.

"Something wrong Jihyo?"

The brunette sighed because she knows both of them were waiting for answers. "It's nothing bad don't worry, It just... I'm dating Daniel." Jihyo didn't want to say anything because she knew Jeongyeon was sensitive to romantic relationships.

"That's awesome! I'm so happy for you! You've been crushing on him for a while now!" Chaeyoung exclaimed happily. Jihyo smiled at Chaeyoung and then looked at Jeongyeon, who still haven't said a word.

"Jeong... I didn't want to say anything beca-"

"Congrats Jihyo," Jeongyeon cut off her best friend and smiled at her. "I'm happy for you, Don't worry about me."

Both Jihyo and Chaeyoung knew Jeongyeon didn't want pity so they both stayed quiet as more students entered in and the teacher looked at the trio. Chaeyoung looked at the time before getting up.

"Well, I will see both of you later on. I better head to class before Mrs. Kim curse me out." Chaeyoung grin at the duo as she left the class.

Both Jeongyeon and Jihyo was watching the students entered the class as they see a few familiar faces.

"Ugh... She of all people have to be in this class." Jeongyeon said to Jihyo.

"Nice to meet you too, Ice princess." A girl who was wearing blue basketball shorts, with a fitted white tee, said. Jeongyeon rolled her eyes as the other girl winked at her and went towards the back where two other girls were sitting.

"I don't like people like her." Jeongyeon said to Jihyo who nodded.

"I know you don't, I can't understand how she can play around with people's hearts like that and break it just like that without any care. But then again Nayeon hangs out with her so..."

"Show me your company..." Jeongyeon started.

"Tell me who you are..." Jihyo finished as they heard the classroom door shut.

"Alright Fifth years! My name is Kwon Ericka and I will be your English teacher and Homeroom teacher this year. Before we start class I would like everyone to stand up and introduce yourself to your classmates. Let's start from the back, You with the baseball hat on, What's your name."

Jeongyeon rolled her eyes once again as she watched the girl stand up. "Good morning everyone, My name is Hirai Momo and I am the dance team captain and a member of the softball team..."

"Not to mention a player." Jihyo muttered.

"No, Shes worst. She's a heartbreaker," Jihyo motioned for best friend to continue despiting knowing what she'll say next.

"I hate heart breakers."

A/N: How was chapter one? Comments and votes are always appreciated, until next time.

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