Chapter 15

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It was official, Jeongyeon and Mina started dating. It didn't take long for the whole school to find out. Many students were invested and happy to find that Jeongyeon was in a relationship. Others were upset that it wasn't them who Jeongyeon was dating or even scared for Mina seeing how most people know that her friendship with Nayeon had ended.

Surprisingly enough, Nayeon hasn't tried anything since Mina started dating Jeongyeon. Of course, the blonde was still on high alert and she knew her friends had her back.

Jeongyeon and Mina spent most of their time together, Of course, it wasn't a lot of time due to Mina having ballet rehearsals and Jeongyeon being in the ice rink every day (Olympic trials were coming up) but they made it work.

Mina also managed to get Sana and Momo to sit with her at Jeongyeon's table every day. It was like they were now permanent members of the table.

Of course, that didn't change Jeongyeon's attitude towards Momo, The two of them stayed friendly towards each other but that was the most Mina and Sana could get out of them.

On the other hand, it seemed like Sana was a bit more bearable for Jeongyeon. Even though Mina wanted to kill Sana for relentlessly flirting with Jeongyeon, She appreciated the effort Sana did to make everyone feel comfortable.

Sana even got close with Jihyo and Chaeyoung. (Whom she revealed that they were having a fling not a relationship)


It was Saturday afternoon, Both Mina and Jeongyeon had come from their respective practices and decided to have a dinner date later on.

The duo got ready and arrived at the restaurant they both agreed to go to.

"Reservations?" The waiter asks.

"Yes, It's under my name Myoui." Mina replied. The waiter nodded as he led the two girls to a corner booth. The waiter then handed Mina and Jeongyeon a menu. "Any drinks?"

"Just water for both of us." The waiter nodded as left. Jeongyeon and Mina sat across from each other, looking at the menu.

"How's your day been going beautiful?" Jeongyeon asked her girlfriend.

"It's been going well, Of course, we're nearing performance day so our instructors are going crazy...Do you think you'll be able to make it to one of my showings?"

"When is it?"

"You can either show up Friday, Saturday or Sunday. The showings start at six." The blonde replied, hoping that her girlfriend would be able to come.

"I'll try to come on Saturday." Jeongyeon replied, Mina, smiled at her girlfriend as she leaned over the table and gave her a kiss.

The waiter returned and handed both girls their water. He then asked what they would like to order.

"May we have a chef's special?"

"Yes, Ma'am." The waiter said as he walked away.

"How's everything?'

"I'm practicing harder because Olympic trials are coming up. I'm going to be against a lot of good people to see if we can make the south Korean team." Jeongyeon explains.

"I believe in you, Do you still got the pin I gave you?" Mina asks.

"Of course I do, I wear it all the time when I'm skating."

"That's good, So the Olympics is next year?" Mina asks, she didn't really pay much attention to the Olympics until recently.

"No, It's the following year. It just that we're doing Olympic trials so we can all train together and improve before it. We want gold and the last woman figure skater who won gold was Kim Yuna back in 2010. I aspire to be like her."

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