Chapter 19

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A few more weeks have passed and Jeongyeon was now only wearing the boot. Sana kept to her promise and stayed by her side during dismissal time so that Nayeon wouldn't bother her. It worked for the most part other than the one time Sana was running late. By then Nayeon had loop her arm with Jeongyeon who was telling her to let go. Sana had to run over there and try to tell Nayeon off but the girl didn't budge.

Momo had come out of the dance studio irritated after hearing the commotion. "CAN ALL OF YOU GO SOMEWHERE! IT'S HARD TO TEACH WHEN I'M HEARING SHIT." The dancer yelled, Sana and Nayeon's eyes widen, Momo wasn't the type of person to yell so when she did they knew she was upset.

Nayeon looked around to see some students looking. She then turned to Jeongyeon who was glaring at her. "I'm not giving up on you..." Nayeon says as she left.

"Thank goodness, she's gone." Jeongyeon said. Momo rolled her eyes as she walked back into the dance studio. There wasn't a lot of time left before nationals in May.

Momo was very busy in the afternoons, Lisa and Jimin would help her choreograph the dances that they needed to compete. They planned on using the same dance for small group hip hop that they competed in regionals, Jimin was choreographing a small group contemporary, (With dancers he pick out) All three of them was still in the process of making the group dance and they still haven't pick soloist, duets and any trios.

Not to mention Spring sports were starting and Momo is apart of the softball team so she would have to find some time to go to practices and games. (Luckily enough most of their games were on the weekends.)


Mina just came home from ballet practice when she saw her mother on the couch. Ever since her mother took her away from her home, They haven't had the best relationship. "Mina..." Her mother started, Mina made eye contact with the woman. "Your brother will be here in about twenty minutes. I have to go to the store so I'll be back a little late. You know what to do."

Mina didn't reply as she heads upstairs to freshen up.

Another thirty minutes passed since her Mother left out and Mina heard a knock on the door. Her older brother Kai has arrived.

The brunette opened the door and hugged her brother tightly. The last time she had seen him was during holiday breaks.

"How's college?" Mina asks Kai as she prepared some green tea.

"My final year is going fine, I can't wait to help take over the business," Kai says. "What about you? What happened Mina? Why are both of you here?"

"Mother lost it... I told her I was dating a girl and she pulled me out of school, I can't see my friends and I had to break up with her." Mina's face was now streaked with tears as she sat beside her brother. Kai felt bad for his little sister, He didn't like to see her cry. "Is Dad aware?"

"No, I've been trying to contact him but he's so busy or Mom gets in the way." Mina replied, wiping her tears. Kai then took out his phone and dial his father's number. "I just talked to him today, maybe he'll pick up so you can tell him what's going on. I'm sorry I can't be much help to you."

"Just trying to contact him is enough for me."


Over the few weeks Sana spent with Jeongyeon, Both girls had a better understanding of each other. Sana felt like she was actually Jeongyeon's friend. On the other hand, there wasn't much progress between Jeongyeon and Momo, Although Sana does wonders about Momo's motives. Sana knows that Jihyo is thinking the same thing.

Both girls sat in Sana's bedroom, Momo was still at school for Softball practice which ran after her dance practice. "Do you know why I told you to come home with me?"

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