Chapter 21

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Today was the first day of spring break. Everyone had a week off of school before exam time comes up. Sana, Momo, and Chaeyoung (Sana invited her) went on a three-day trip to Jeju Island. Jihyo and Daniel went to the beach and spend a lot of quality time together, While Jeongyeon and her family flew to Hawaii.

Mina on the other hand was stuck at home, All she did was wander around town. (With her guard of course) and go to ballet. The only thing she was worried about was that text message she had gotten from no other than Nayeon a few weeks back. Of course, Mina didn't bother to reply to the text message so when it was the third day of spring break and saw Nayeon in her dance studio she knew there was a problem.

"Why are you here? Haven't you done enough?" Mina complained. Both of the girls were in the dressing room.

"My family decided to go to Japan for vacation. I heard your father is still gone, Mine is too. Business trips are very hectic."

"I don't want to talk to you." Mina says as she started to fix her hair.

"My, my Mina you have changed a lot during these last few months, I almost felt sorry for you. Almost." Nayeon sneered.

Mina glared at the older girl. "I guess that's what happens when you try to get with someone who's mine."

"Jeongyeon isn't a property Nayeon, Can you just stop this inappropriate shit, We're about to go to college soon. Are you going to act like this for the rest of your pathetic life?"

"Ooh, feisty... Also no, Once I have Jeongyeon then everything will be right again. I see that your mother took my tip very well." Nayeon snickered as she left.

"Tip?" Mina said before realizing. "Y-YOU BITCH! YOU TOLD MY MOTHER?" Mina cried.


It was their last day at Jeju Island when Chaeyoung got a call. The short-haired girl instantly called Momo and Sana over. "Mina breathe!" Momo shouted through the phone.

For the first twenty minutes, Mina been sobbing, cursing, and screaming incoherent threats. While the three girls try to calm her down. Chaeyoung looks at Sana.

"Is there any possible way you can book a trip to Japan right now?" Sana nodded as she went on her phone.


"Stop Momo, You're not helping her... Mina, I want you to take some deep breathes, and then we can talk." Chaeyoung put her hand in front of Momo. "Go pack our things." Momo nodded.

Chaeyoung looked at Sana. "Is it possible to buy an extra ticket?"

"For what?"

"To bring Mina with us."


"Chaeyoung, I don't think I told you this before but I think you're crazy." The girls were at the airport waiting for their flight to arrive. Sana had texted her parents letting them know what's going on and they sent her extra money.

"Not crazy but skilled, I know how to sneak out. Pshh, So what if Mina has a guard with her. I'll find a way, I'm not leaving without her she suffered too much in a short period of time and Nayeon needs to pay."

"What does Nayeon have to do with this?" Momo asks.

"Even though I couldn't hear everything properly because of how upset Mina is, I did hear Nayeon's name being brought up in it. Once we get Mina we'll let her explain." Chaeyoung says.

"Should we let Jeongyeon and Jihyo know about this?" Sana asks.

"We'll have to, Luckily enough Jihyo stayed in Korea but Jeongyeon is in Hawaii of all places. I do-"

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