Chapter 26

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Chaeyoung and Jihyo arrived just in time to see Dahyun putting a suitcase in a car. Chaeyoung ran out of the car and grabbed Dahyun's hand. "Are you okay? What's going on?" Dahyun took a glance back at the door before whispering. "They're sending me to conversion camp again... I don't want to go back, I don't even like girls."

"Are they inside?" Chaeyoung asks.

"Yeah, They're packing extra food for me...." Chaeyoung looks at Jihyo who just caught up to the duo. "Come with us."

"What? No, I can't do that..." Dahyun hesitated.

"Please Dahyun, You said it yourself you don't want to go back. You know first-hand how terrible things are over there. Come with us...before they see us." Dahyun looked to the door before grabbing her suitcase and rushing with the other girls to Jihyo's car. Jihyo quickly sped off.

"I'm... So nervous..." Dahyun could feel her heart pounding out her chest as she looked out the window to see her parents running out. "I have never done something like this before."

"Breathe Dahyun... Everything going to be alright."

"But where am I going to go? They're going to look for me and my punishment will be much worst." Chaeyoung looks at Jihyo. "I can't keep her with such late notice, Give me a few days, Chaeng."

"It's okay... You can stay with me for a few days." Chaeyoung says, turning to Dahyun.



Jeongyeon, Sana, and Momo walked around in silence. Sana was upset and worried about Dahyun while Momo and Jeongyeon were looking for a dog-friendly cafe. "I know there's one nearby..." Jeongyeon says as she handed both girls the leash so she could find her phone.

"Alright...we're not too far from it..." Jeongyeon says as she grabbed the leash from Sana and Momo. "She's going to be alright, Sana. Chaeyoung got this."

"I just can't help and be worried... I know I don't know Dahyun but I feel bad. Chaeyoung told me she was sent to conversion camp before... Now they're trying to send her again just because I told her being gay isn't a choice." Sana says holding her head down.

"That's awful... I know for sure Chaeyoung going to try her hardest to help her and We've got her back."


Mina spent her first few days of summer relaxing when she heard the door unlock. The brunette got up and ran downstairs to see her father. "Daddy!" The brunette ran to her father giving him a big hug. "There you are Mina, I flew back to Korea thinking your there but nope we're over here and I don't know why."

"What did mother tell you?"

"She told me you had a girlfriend. Also to stay out of her business since I'm not home to help."

"She lost it for sure, Daddy. I want to go back to Korea and graduate with my friends. I hate the new school and how strict she's gotten, She won't even let me have a phone or be by myself." Mina cried.

"Alright, Princess. I'll talk to her. As of right now." Her father fishes out his black card. "Go buy yourself a new phone, and a ticket to South Korea. I'll get Kai to call in a Uber for you so you can go home." Mina smiles and presses a kiss on her father's cheek.

"Thank you."

"Anything for my daughter... Where's your mother?"

"At work still," Mina said as she went on her laptop to order a phone and a plane ticket. 'I'm coming back... You better watch out Nayeon'

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