Chapter 31

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The following morning, Mina woke up to see Dahyun softly snoring. She wishes it was Jeongyeon instead beside her but she knew that she messed up. The brunette pulled the blanket upon the younger girl as she made her way out of the tent. Once Mina got out of the tent she looked around to see Jihyo and Chaeyoung sitting together. The brunette stretches a bit before walking over to the duo and sitting across from them.

All three girls sat in silence as Jihyo stirred the pot. "I'm making green tea... Would you like some Mina?" Mina simply nodded as Jihyo grabbed an extra cup. "Did you get a good rest? Are you ready to talk things out with everyone?" Jihyo asks as she poured the tea into three separate cups.

"...yeah...I think I'm going to talk to Momo first.... Is she awake?"

"Yeah... She was the first one to wake up, She was by the river the last time I checked... Sana and Jeongyeon walked off somewhere but they should be back." Mina nodded as she turned to Chaeyoung who haven't spoken nor look at her since last night.

"...I don't want you to be disappointed in me anymore... It hurts more than you being angry at me." Chaeyoung continued drinking her tea as she looks up at her friend. "Well make the effort to change... Remember what I told you last night." Mina didn't reply as she got up and left to go look for Momo.


Sana and Jeongyeon had woken up early (In reality Momo had accidentally woke up both Sana and Chaeyoung while stretching and later on woke up Jeongyeon when she tried to get out of the tent.) Due to all the noise, neither girl could go back to sleep like Chaeyoung managed to, So Jeongyeon ended up going for a morning walk with Sana. They didn't bring up what happened yesterday with Mina but instead made jokes and enjoy each other company.

Jeongyeon could tell that what Mina said to Sana still bothers her because Sana wasn't her usual flirty self. She also notices her smile didn't reach her eyes like normal. Jeongyeon respects Sana a lot so when she sees her like that Jeongyeon wraps her arm around Sana's shoulder hugging the Japanese girl. I understand how you feel.


Mina finally found Momo sitting by herself watching the stream. The brunette was a bit hesitant but she slowly made her way over to the dancer and sat beside her. Both girls sat in silence for a few minutes. "Momo... I'm sorry... I'm sorry for shaming and embarrassing you like that... I'm sorry for throwing back information you trusted me with, in your face... I understand if you don't forgive me..."

"Are you really sorry or are you just playing around again?" Momo asks weakly. "Huh?" Mina turned to her friend in slight confusion. "This isn't the first time you did this never did this before you got sent over to japan... Did something happen that you didn't mention?" Momo asks once again.

"No, I was under a lot of stress and now I just feel like everyone is after me... I- I don't know what to think or say Momo... I didn't mean to hurt you like that-"

"What about Sana and Jeongyeon... Did you intend to hurt them....." Momo made eye contact with Mina for the first time in a while. "Tell the truth."

Mina looked at the dirt as she used her finger to write her answer.



When Mina and Momo returned back together they could see Jihyo, Jeongyeon, and Sana trying to set up a volleyball net. Dahyun was trying the blow the ball up and Chaeyoung was off to the side drawing. The girls turned to the duo, Sana started to walk up to the duo. "Oh good, You're back we need your monstrous strength to help us with the net." She states as she grabs Momo's arm and drags her away from Mina.

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