Chapter 18

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The rest of the week passed by fast since it was Saturday already and Momo was on a coach bus with the rest of her team who was heading to Daejeon, South Korea for regionals.

If their team was placed in the top 3 they would then head up to the international competition (or nationals) that they went to every year in the United Kingdom

Momo was listening to a voice message that Sana left for her. Sana was cheering her on along with some other friends. "Good luck Momo, we'll know you'll do great." Momo smiled as she closes her eyes and rested her head on the window.


Jihyo, Sana, Chaeyoung, and Jeongyeon were having an afternoon lunch. Jeongyeon was telling the others what happened a few days ago. "Nayeon starting to Harrass me again... She took the chance that I'm on crutches and can't move fast to bother me. Where the hell was you." Jeongyeon asks Jihyo.

"Student government meeting, I thought I told you earlier unless you weren't paying attention." Jihyo replied as she bites into her club sandwich.

"Don't turn this around on me, She wouldn't leave me alone and then next thing you know Hirai right beside me talking to me."

"She's been around you a lot recently. Do you think she likes you?" Jihyo said slowly, unsure of her friend's reaction. (Jihyo personally would expect Jeongyeon to shout at her or react in disgust.)

"No she doesn't, I asked her and she said and I quote " You wish."

"Sounds like Momo alright." Sana laughed.

"You know she could be lying Jeong." Jihyo said. Jeongyeon raised her eyebrow at Jihyo, She wasn't sure where her best friend was going with this.

"If she's lying, I'll kick her ass."

"I don't think you can do much kicking of the ass with a boot on." Chaeyoung says before a cherry tomato hits her in the face.

"Shut up." Jeongyeon grinned at the younger girl who glared at her.

"Anyways, I don't want Nayeon near me again. Can I have someone other than Sana," Sana pouted. "Stay around me when it's dismissal time."

"Sorry Jeong, I have track practice. You could always stay with me?" Chaeyoung says.

"I don't think I'll join track this year, I'm starting off with a broken ankle and I don't need any more stress on my feet... What about you Jihyo?"

"Soccer is starting back up again, I didn't get to take it in the fall, So I'm taking it now. Also, Sana is available right through the year, Yall can talk and become friends."

"I rather bre-" Jeongyeon stopped once she saw the glare Jihyo was giving her. "Fine... But you owe me Jihyo, and you don't touch me."

"I can't make any promises hottie, You're too damn fine not to touch... Also, don't worry about Nayeon I know how to get rid of her."


Momo and her team arrived at the dance competition. The team captain had sent her co-captain, Lisa to sign them in. Momo walked over to a corner and clap her hands a few times to get the attention of her dancers.

"Alright, I'm only telling you guys this once. We are supposed to be professional, No horse playing, No flirting with the competition or coaches. Everyone needs to be together because we're in a foreign area and anything can happen. If I see anyone of you acting up, You're off the team for good. Understand?" Momo stated sternly.

"Yes!" The team shouted.

"Alright, Let's go find our dressing room." The captain said as the rest of the team followed behind her.

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