Chapter 30

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When Jeongyeon and Jihyo returned from their walk, They saw some of the girls sitting around the fire and others nowhere in sight. (Jihyo only assume they were in the tent) Chaeyoung turned around and waved at the duo. "Oh great both of you are back! We're trying to make dinner with the food we pack. It's a little bit hard though."

"Cool, Do you need some help?" Jihyo offered to the girls.

"Maybe from Jeongyeon unnie, I heard she cooks well." Dahyun says.

"Are you trying to say I can't cook? I made food for you Dahyun." Jihyo teases the younger girl by raising her eyebrow at Dahyun who was getting more flustered by the minute. "N-no! It just Chaeyoung said tha-"

"Chaeyoung said what?" Jihyo got closer and narrow her eyes at the younger girl. "Yah leave her alone Jihyo." Sana plopped down beside Dahyun wrapping an arm around her. Dahyun quickly shoved Sana's arm off her. "I was just teasing, It's okay if you don't like my cooking." Jihyo patted the younger girl on her head as she walked away.

Dahyun then turned to Sana. "Just because we got to know each other doesn't mean you can just touch me whenever you want."

"I was just trying to help... Nobody wants Jihyo interrogating them. As hot as she is..." Sana raises her hands up.

"It's true... She's my best friend but she's really terrifying if she's questioning you..." Jeongyeon says as she added more wood to the fire. "Thanks, hottie." Sana grinned at Jeongyeon who rolled her eyes playfully. Dahyun sighed as she got up and head to the tent.

"What's going on with her?" Jeongyeon asks, watching Dahyun's retreating form.

"She's trying her best but sometimes I feel like she's intentionally picking a fight with Sana." Chaeyoung says as she started to chop up some strawberries for the fruit bowl she was making. "Is there any way to make her feel comfortable? I would rather not have any drama during this trip." Jeongyeon asks.

"If Sana stays away from her then it'll make things better. It's better if we keep Jihyo and Mina around her." Chaeyoung replies.

"Why Mina?" Both Jeongyeon and Sana questioned.

"She seems to like Mina, So she's not bothered by her being nearby."

"I don't like this idea." Sana says.

"You'll be fine Sana, Give her a break. Go and bother someone else." Jeongyeon replies. "Oh, I'll definitely bother someone else." The reddette fluttered her eyes at Jeongyeon. "Excuse you but I have a girlfriend."

"I'm pretty sure Mina doesn't mind."

"I don't share." All three girls jump at the sound of Mina's voice. They all turn around to see the brunette along with Momo behind them.

Sana nervously smiled at Mina. "I know very well that you don't, You didn't want to share BamBam with-"

"Don't mention his name." Mina spoke sternly.

"Who's Bambam?" Jeongyeon asks.

"Mina's ex." Momo and Sana answered at the same time. Mina glared at both girls. "I thought I told both of you not to mention him."

"I was just messing with you Mina, It's just a joke."

"Since this is all a joke let's talk about Aiko then." Sana went quiet at the name. Momo turned to Mina. "Mina chill, It's not that serious."

"If you wanna play like that Mina then we will." Sana says as she shoves past the brunette. Momo sighed as she looks back to Sana's retreating figure than to Mina. "C'mon now Minari, You know Sana is joking all the time. You didn't need to bring up Aiko in front of her like that."

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