Chapter 32

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After the camping trip, the next few weeks went uneventful, and eventually, all the girls were back in school. Chaeyoung was finally an upperclassman so she was able to sit with Jeongyeon and Jihyo every day at lunch which was something she was looking forward to doing. Due to the girls being in their final year they had half-term classes and college preparation, Meaning that they were busier than ever. This was the time to decide what they want to do after high school. Momo also knew that this would be her final year for her dance team so she knew she would have to pick someone to keep leading the team to victory after her reign is over.

The dark-haired girl made her way to her friends who were all crowded up by Chaeyoung's locker, She looks at everyone to notice all the differences. Sana with her crimson hair (that she had to re-dye), Right beside her was Dahyun who actually wanted to experiment for once and had bleached the ends of her hair into an ombre blond-blue color. (It was a starting point for her since she never dyed her hair before)

Momo found the younger girl adorable after hearing how she was going to impress her friends by doing something new. The dark-haired girl looked at Chaeyoung who was sporting short blonde hair, Jihyo who also had blonde ombre dyed at her ends, and then to Jeongyeon who had her arm around Mina. She still looks the same but Mina really surprised her, actually surprised everyone by chopping off her long dark hair and leaving it in a cute bob. Momo couldn't imagine the conversation Mina had with her mother afterward. (Although Mina did tell them she wanted to dye her hair ginger but her mother was already upset with her cutting most of her hair off.)

"Momo Let's compare schedules!" Jihyo said, Ever since their small talk by the lake Momo noticed that Jihyo had been trying to interact with her a bit more. Of course, Momo doesn't know the full reason why but she didn't think it would be harmful to open up to Jihyo who's been nothing but nice to her. (For the most part)

Jihyo brought her schedule close to Momo's, looking back and forth between the two papers."Looks like you have Health with me and Jeongyeon, College prep with everyone except for our younglings." Chaeyoung and Dahyun glared at Jihyo who laughed. "Economics with Sana... Looks like you have a study hall at the end of the day."

"Yeah, I'm going to use that time for dance and maybe I can get recruited by a college for a sport... I'm not sure yet." Momo mutters as they heard the warning bell. The girls said their goodbyes to Dahyun and Chaeyoung as the rest of them went to their college preparation class.


Most of the day went uneventful until it came to lunchtime. As usual Jeongyeon and Jihyo made their way to their designated table that they sat at since year one and they'll stay there until they graduate. The other girls (excluding Dahyun who wanted to sit with her other friends) gradually came over and sat down. They were in the middle of eating until a lunch tray drop on their table and a girl with shoulder-length hair sat down. All of the girls paused and turned to the familiar face.

"Why are you sitting here Nayeon?!" Some of the girls exclaimed.

"Before you guys yell, I want to say something... I went to therapy and I have changed a lot... I brought gifts for everyone I hurt." Nayeon says as she pulls her bookbag out grabbing small boxes and handing them to every girl except Chaeyoung. "I'm not opening this." Jihyo said pushing the gift away. "Why not? I promise it's nothing bad." Nayeon questioned, A lot of the girls looked surprised that Nayeon looks genuinely hurt.

"You tried to poison my friends-" Jihyo argued.

"I know and I'm really sorry for it, Jihyo... You guys have to believe me... I'm not out to get anyone... Much less you and Sana said I could sit here if I came back improved."

"You said that to her?" Jeongyeon turned to Jihyo, speaking for the first time since Nayeon sat at the table. "I was lying, I didn't think she actually gets help." Jihyo replied, raising her hands up. There was now a big tension between Jihyo and Jeongyeon as Nayeon begin to eat her lunch.

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