Chapter 20

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After that incident of Momo fainting, Sana's parents put a restriction on Momo for when she would be out. She couldn't be out of the house by herself past 10 pm. If she was with a group of people she could be out longer.

Of course, Momo was upset by the decision but there was nothing much she could do. These people accepted her into their home when her own family kicked her out, The least she could do is try not to be a disapp-

"You're doing it again." Momo blinks and looks up to seeJeongyeon, Sana, Jihyo, Chaeyoung, and her two dance team members, Ryujin and Yeji staring at her.

"Eh? Don't mind me, I'm just thinking." Momo waves off the rest of the girls as she looked back down at her meal and began to eat.

"Chaeyoung, I hope you send a group text saying happy birthday to Mina." Momo said after a while.

"Her birthday today? I could've sworn it's tomorrow." Chaeyoung looked at Momo in confusion before checking the calendar on her phone.

"No, it's today." Momo argued

"No stupid, It's tomorrow." Jeongyeon said, Momo turned to glare at the older girl.

"You love calling me that don't you."

"Don't start, I don't need two Sanas."

"What's wrong with two of me, Twice the fun get it?" Sana says batting her lashes at Jeongyeon.

"Sana, Go be gross somewhere else. I'm trying to eat."

"This isn't me trying to be gross, This is." Sana says as she quickly grabbed Jeongyeon and licked her cheek before grabbing a random student to use as a shield. All of the other girls were surprised at what Sana did.

"Sana, I will fucking kill you, You're pushing your boundaries. I hope you know me and Mina will be back together once she's back." Jeongyeon said, wiping the saliva off her face.

"That's why I need to take my chances from now. Once Mina's back she'll murder me but at least I can say." The pink-haired girl turned to Momo. "I did it before you."

"Somewhat." Momo replied, rolling her eyes.

"What the hell are both of you talking about."

"Don't worry about it, Hottie."


Mina's birthday passed by as decently as it could, given the circumstances. She and her mother pretended they didn't have an argument as her mother took her out for the whole day. Mina didn't have to attend school or ballet, When Mina got home her brother Kai had left a gift for her while she also has received a text message from Chaeyoung.

There were a picture and a video attached to it showing all of her friends, standing together singing happy birthday. This nearly brought Mina to tears.

Later on that day Mina did receive a text from a number she would last expect.


Jeongyeon finally got her boot removed as she started physical therapy. Of course, it wasn't a long-term session because she didn't break it that bad, But it was still needed for mobility. So instead of going to figure skating practice right after school, Jeongyeon would go to therapy every day for the next two weeks.

"I know this a lot to ask for you guys, But could you come to Momo's game this Saturday before spring break... It's an important pre-game for upperclassmen." Sana asks. It was the end of the school day and all four girls were sitting outside. Jihyo and Chaeyoung both had practice but they had a few minutes to spare.

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