Happy birthday

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Songs for this chapter
-Tell me that you love me~James Smith
-This side of paradise~coyote theory
-Language~Tori Kelly

(Quick disclaimer, the family that I will discribe is ofcourse made to my story, things that happend within his family aren't real and I don't want you to believe that it is)

The day started with the first ride with marcus since I knew he liked me. It was awkward but bearable. On set everything was as usuall, we did some scenes but I was almost finished with the scenes of my part. Tom wasn't here today, probably because of the birthday tonight. Emma and I had went out for lunch and had discussed everything that happend during the party. She had listened to the whole story speechless and reacted with a wow. When we got back we ofcourse confronted Ruby about her and Daniel, like that they...slept together. She started to blush immidiatly but told us it was a one time thing. We didn't buy that, but she was allowed to think we did. When the day was done Marcus drove me home we talked about his vacation. To be honest, I wasn't really listening to what he was saying. I was thinking about what I was going to wear and if Tom's family would like me. When we stopped in front of the door I got out pretty quick, Tom would already be here in an hour as we got out late. I thanked Marcus for the ride and stormed to our appartment.

As I got in I heard loud voices almost yelling at one another, I first thought I heard Chloe and Cheryl discussing a tv show once again. But one of the voices was male. I walked into the living room to see Chloe and Noah arguing, she had been crying that was obvious. When they noticed me they stopped screaming and looked at me. Chloe whiped away her tears and put on a fake smile "Hey" she said with a broken voice. I wanted to go over and hug her and tell that playboy to get out but this wasn't my relationship. "I'm sorry, I'm going to take a shower" I said and gave Chloe a soft smile before walking away. When I got of my clothes once I was in my room I was looking an outfit for tonight, in my underwear. I was staring at the wooden closet when I heard a nock on the door "Come in" I said expecting Chloe but when I looked behind me I saw Noah. Once he saw I was only wearing my bra and underwear he blushed a little. "Oh it's you" I said annoyed and turned around expecting him to leave now he saw what I was wearing but instead he just walked over to me. "Shouldn't you make up with Chloe or something?" I said feeling him stand behind me. "I already did" he said with a deep and raw voice. "You have really nice skin you know?" He said into my ear as he stepped closer to my back. What the hell was he doing? Nice skin? This was bullshit. "What the hell do you want Noah?" I asked him trying to focus on the clothes in front of me. "You" he said and placed his hands on my hips. Omg this guy was crazy. "you're with Chloe weirdo get the hell out of my room. I don't want you" I said to him getting sick because of his touch. "Oh you don't need to want me" he said. Fuck Chloe help me. "go away Noah and get your hands of off me" I said and pushed his hand away from my hips. I turned around and he placed his two hands on my cheeks. "Jezus Noah let go" I said and tried to get him off but he took my hands and placed one hand on my ass. Okay have it your way then. I kicked him in the balls as hard as I could. He let out a loud groan and then Chloe stormed in seeing my stand there in my lingerie and Noah in front of my on the floor with his hands on his private part still groaning because of the pain. "What the hell happend?" she asked me and I pointed at him trying to find the right words. "H-he touched m-me" I stuttered as I looked at her in panick. I saw her debating on what to think of this "what do you mean touch you?" she asked me as she helped Noah to stand up. "I didn't do anything! I just placed a hand on your shoulder!" He yelled at me and I jumped a little at his outburst. "No! You touched my hips and my ass and when I told you to leave you forced me to stand still" I said looking at from Chloe to him and back. "You probably misunderstood eachother" Chloe said and I shook my head getting a sarcastic smile on my face "Omg, I can't believe you" I pushed myself past them and walked into the bathroom locking the door before he could sneak in again.

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