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                  This was it. Too late to turn back. Either we would get out of this castle in victory or die together. Whatever our fate was,I was ready for it.

                 We inched closer towards the door

                  Hushed tones met our ears from the other side of the door. This was it.... This was where they were but still I felt something amiss.

         This couldn't be it... I knew he won't be making it this easy for us. This would be trial. Of one thing I was sure whoever was in there were his guards not Zaffyan. Finding Zaffyan would not be this easy unless he was way over-confident that we wouldn't be able to reach him. How wrong he was !

             After searching downstairs the others joined us.  Two militants reached onto the top of a little opening on the wall and got to the other side as we waited near the door. All we heard next were gun shots,We were  not allowed to go in. We didn't know which side was winning -ours or theirs.

           We were finally signalled to get in. I was right there was no sign of Zaffyan but we had lost both of the men. Evereyone in the room lay dead.

             We carried on ahead to what looked like a dark passage. Four men jumped out of the darkness where they had concealed themselves attacking us with gun shots, The two militants attacked them along with our head securities distracting them as the three of us hurried to the door at the end of the passage.

          The door revealed a dimly lit room with a chair in the middle. Two figures were seated on it with their head hung low.

          Rayaan was about to shoot at them when Aamir held onto his hand stopping him. I knew what Aamir was thinking. They weren't Zaffyan or his men. They wouldn't wait for us to kill them. They wouldn't sit still, They would attack us with no mercy. We inched towards the throne like seat little by little forming a trio, having each other's backs.

          As we got closer we saw the silhoutte of a man and a woman. Amaan pulled out a torch and pointed it towards them. The tired and unconcious faces of Mom and Dad came into view.

          We ran towards them,untied their hands. They were not opening their eyes. We shook them. Confusion ,fear,Questions.What had happened to them? How had they gotten here?

          Fear was etched on all of our faces. What else was in store for us? All of our family members were trapped in thos mansion. All our support was either injured or dead. If we died... If all of us died, our country would have a dictator not a ruler.Our people would suffer in his hands. This was not we wanted. We had to win this for ourselves, our family and our people .

            Aamir was frantically trying to wake up mom and dad as I and Rayaan stood guard protecting them.

          A man stepped out of the shadows without hesitation Rayaan shot at him and he fell to the ground with a thud. It was Leo. Our man. We didn't get time to ponder over the situation as a voice echoed through the hall. Nobody was seen,Nobody stepped out of the shadows till we located where the voice was coming from. It was coming from the balcony where a man stood watching wirh a smirk on his face. A man no other than Zaffyan.

           "Not bad for prince's ." His voice boomed through the hall.

"Who are you Zaffyan?" Aamir asked in return.

          I understood why he didn't ask what he wanted because it was clear to us. He wanted our kingdom.

     "Haven't figured it out yet? Your sister was smarter than you!"

          There was only one thing that registered in our heads. The word 'was'. Did that mean Amaarah was no more? It couldn't be. I didn't believe it for a second. U knew our Amaarah was alive.

"Where is Amaarah?" Aamir gritted through his teeth.

       "You sure are concerned not being a real brother. How does it feel to not be a part of the family? You are their cousin afterall. " He sneered.

      "Where is Amaarah? " Aamir asked him again avoiding his question.

    "   tsk....tsk... "  He smirked glancing at his watch. " Time's up. If your sister is lucky she must be long dead by now, If she is not lucky she is still suffering now but don't worry  it will end soon"

          There was a sigh from mom who had awakened and a scream of pain from Aamir,Rayaan silently shook beside me. He must have loved Amaarah. I don't know why but I still had hope she was alive.

"Answer the question Zaffyan, Where is she?" I shouted.

      " You will never know." Was the answer that came from his mouth.


      I knw its short but please co-operate I'm a little busy but I will try to update ASAP n sorry again


BORN ROYAL : sequel of being muslimahWhere stories live. Discover now