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Amaarah's pov:

            " You are so gonna loose Amaan "

           "Amaarah there is no way  I'm going to sword fight with you"

           "Poor big bro Amaan is scared he will lose to a Princess"

           "Not gonna happen Amaarah , you know you will lose"

          "In your dreams Brother , there is no way on earth you will be able to defeat me "

         I laughed at Amaan's expression, he was rolling his eyes in exasperation.

        " Why are little sisters so nasty?"

       "Well  because elder brothers get bored without them? come on brother , you know you absolutely adore me..."

     He finally ordered for his sword to be brought

     I cheered as he finally gave in to my wishes... joys of being the youngest , we always get our way in everything, don't we?

        Our swords were bought. Father had given us beautiful gold swords embedded with gems with our names engraved on them on our sixteenth birthday's each which all of us cherished.

           They were very heavy but beautiful , I looked at mine with pride , I was dressed in white leggings,A knee length white frock and my white hijab tied in turban style for the fight .

       When I turned sixteen I had a lady instructor who taught me sword fighting, she was amazing and I according to her was a 'promising student' .

        We nodded our heads in greeting to each other  marking  the start of the fight . We started circling each other with  four feet distance between us , I was a better defender and Amaan a better fighter so we were equally suited for it .

       From the corner of my eye I saw Aamir and Mother silently sit on the chairs in the balcony above us which was made for viewing sword fights .

        Now I was nervous , but only for a flicker of a second .

       I felt my confidence return as Amaan swung his sword to my feet and I jumped to dodge it , once again Amaan tried to give me blow and I brought up my sword in defence , the game ends only when one of the player loses his sword or either they give up ...

             We have been fighting for half an hour now with no one giving up.

         My arms are aching with all the weight , I saw Amaan loosen the grip on his sword, as soon as he did I gave a blow on his sword and it went flying into the air , it somersaulted and landed behind me , with one swift move I picked it up and victoriously placed the two swords in front of me .

          I could hear Mother and Aamir applause from the balcony, Amaan had his mouth hanging open, I gave him a victorious grin and did a little victory bow, I pushed his jaw close and knudged him on his rib , with a wink I said

" Losers weepers, you so gotta give me your latest Play station game now or I'm gonna so  put  this status on my FB profile "  I laughed  and Amaan looked at me with a murderous glare...

Amaan's pov:

          Today Allah is not having mercy on me .First I lost a sword fight to my baby sis and lost my special platinium edition playstation game .

     Then my latest new jaguar gave up on the road on the way back home from my friend's place and now the thing I dreaded the most.

          Dad was back from his business trip , it was time I tell him about applying to a college in the U.S , I wonder how he would take that.

        First bro going off from home for a year and now me , soon Amaarah would be gone too as Mother was hunting for a suitable suitor for her.

      I've been home schooled and even higher studies have been done through private tutors.

        I want to see the outside world , I want to live like a commoner , I want people go like me for the person I am, not for the title I  have.

        I know it will not be easy to convince Dad , but Dad is pretty understanding and he did agree to  Aamir din't he?  so hopefully he will agree to me as well .

       "Ya Allah , please  make father understand me and let me go ? please?"   I said looking up at the ceiling.

      I knocked and entered my Dad's private chamber, a guard opened the door and let me in , I gestured him to go out along with his companions and they obligingly went out the door to wait outside.

             I looked at Father who was reading a file on his arm chair, he looked so tired , I  was worried about him, I'm just glad that soon Aamir  bro would be King and Father would get some rest.


         I walked towards him and sat down on the turkish carpet and looked up at Father , I rested my hands on his knees , Dad looked down at me and smiled.

"As salamun alaikum my son, how have you been ? Did you like your new car ?"

"Walaikum as salam Dad , I'm fine Alhumdulillah, but you look exhausted, you want me to get you something? and the car is amazing Dad jazakallah "

     Dad looked at me intently , his wise eyes roamed all over me and I knew my dad had found out that there was something I wanted , he was so handsome even though he's sixty he's fit.

" What is it son ? What are you troubled about?"

         Taking in a deep sigh I started

    "I was just thinking father, all my life I've been limited from doing stuff.  I know Dad , you love us and it's for our own safety but I want to see the real world Dad , I want to live like a common person for a while, do what guys of my age do , go to a university, go bowling with friends, I want people to be friends with me for the person I am Dad , not for my title , Dad please can you trust me and allow me to study at a University in L.A? I want to be unidentified by people, I will change my name and no one will know who I am dad so I will not need security ? Just for college Dad after that I will never ask you for anything else, please?"

  "What's wrong with both my son's I wonder? All they talk about is freedom and I thought I was a good father !"

    "Dad you and Mother are the best parents in the World. We have been protected all life, All I want is to see the outside world like a normal person but if you think it's a bad idea then please forget I mentioned it, I can't see you upset ."

       " Go to your room Amaan , it's a huge decision and I want to know your Mother's opinion first, she will be back from Paris by tomorrow and I will speak to her"

"Shab al khayr son" Dad said ruffling my hair

"Shab al khair Dad "

          My toughest war was over  now all I have to do is wait for the result to come and hope and pray for what's best for me  " Guide me ya Khudaya ". I murmured as I made way to my chamber.



BORN ROYAL : sequel of being muslimahWhere stories live. Discover now