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Sarah's pov :


               I can never explain the feeling I felt when I came to know about what happened to Amaan .

         The pain you feel when a child of yours is fighting between life and death and always the one thought which keeps torturing my mind

        'Why not me? Why him?'    is unforgettable , I am trying with all my strength and patience to hold on to my  faith , I've done this before, I have trusted in my lord with all I had, but this time it's not about me, I gently massaged my wrist which had the cigarette mark on it, it makes it more difficult because it's someone you love, It was easier to have faith in Allah when it was me being tortured , but watching my son closing to death is something I never imagined.

         After hearing Aamir repeat my favourite verses to himself , I found a little of my faith back but I know I still have a long way to go, a long way to conquer my Iman, I closed my eyes and started reciting surah Rahman.


Amaan's pov:

      I have no idea where I am , I am completely surrounded by darkness , I cannot see the ground beneath me , I bend to touch the ground but there is nothing beneath , I cannot feel what I am standing on, it feels like I have been blindfolded , Am I dead? Am I alive? I don't know! All I know is that if I am dead, It was'nt painful at all, not the way I had imagined, but I know I am not dead , If I was the angel of death (Israel a.s) would have come for me .

         He has'nt come yet , maybe I am in between the land of nowhere , I am neither dead nor am I alive , from far far away I hear a few beeps, I hear voices of people I don't know....  whom I have never heard before.

         I keep walking further into the darkness, I must have been walking for a while now ,yet it is a wonder how my legs are not hurting at all ,  A little further away I finally see light , I look around .There is just darkness, I head towards the direction of the light but it suddenly disappears as the dark again envelopes me.

        I was lost in the darkness, with only a few noises from a distance, Where am I? I don't know and then suddenly out of no where the ground beneath me disappears and I fall , fall n fall into the darkness...

          I head towards the ground and I close my eyes ready for the fall , for the pain but nothing comes, I open my eyes wide to look around and then suddenly I hit the black ground, unbearable pain shoots through me and  with a jolt my eyes flap open, I was back in the world of unbearable pain , I was alive!

Adel's pov :


         I could'nt believe my ears when the doctor informed that Amaan was awake , I kept thanking Allah again and again, tears of relief stained Sarah's face as she held onto me unable to support herself as she kept weeping and silently thanking Allah.

        Amaarah had disappeared to the prayer room after the good news and with trembling hands I dialled Aamir's number, the bodyguard stood lined up with smiles on their faces and finally after hours my lips tugged into a grin as I smiled back at them my Amaan did not go away from me !

Aamir's pov :


       I ran towards the I.C.U as fast as my legs could carry me , tears welled up my eyes as I thought of how lucky we are to have each other back again, as soon as Dad had called me I had bowed down before my Allah thanking him for his love, thanking him for returning my loved one back to us for a little while more , when I reached the I.C.U mom was in Dad's arms and my Dad gave me a huge grin . The first smile I saw on his face since the bomb incident,  we were silently lead inside the room where Amaan lay, we all surrounded his bed as his eyes opened after two days and he smiled at us ,though in pain!

        Shukran Ya Rabb for giving us faith and love and each other , you are the best, I smiled looking at the ceiling and I knew my Allah was watching us all the time, even now as we lovingly looked at Amaan who had returned back to us.


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