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             "There are more than fifty on his side. How did he manage to get so many guards on his side?"   I whispered so that only Amaan could here.

"Rayaan will be here in twenty minutes and we still don't know how many more people are there willing to kill us and our parents." Amaan shrugged to this.

         We had each other's back. We didn't know from which side we could be attacked.  

          The important task now was getting out of thr castle which was pretty much impossible since we didn't know the position of our enemies.

"We should take the underground tunnels" Amaan retorted.

"Now why didn't I think of that?"

"I am just smarter than you" He said with a smirk.

              We walked towards the library where the secret passage to the entrance was. Securing the locks we headed towards our family tree.

We pressed our great grand father's picture on the family tree and the portrait slid revealing a passage the size of  a window.

              We crawled in and closed the secret passageway. We knew that the portrait had taken it's place.

             Knowledge about   this  passage was  passed only to the royals. Not even the loyalest of guards or the heads of the security council knew about this. We had known about this passage since we were little but had never thought that a time would come when we would use it.  


           After fifteen minutes of crawling we finally saw light on the other end and we knew we had reached outside the palace grounds into one of the streets. 

           I got out first and then Amaan did. We called Rayaan to tell him where we were and the wait began.

           It was time to find our sister and save our throne from evil. 

           Few minutes later Rayaan came and we sat in his car trying to accumulate a plan but the problem was we didn't know where they had taken Amaarah.

"Doesn't she have the tracker thing?"

Rayaan asked.

"Tracker?" I questioned looking puzzled.

"Tracker Rayaan said pointing at one of  his tooth."

"Dude you have a tracker in your teeth? That's gross" Amaan said scrunching his nose.

"Well yeah everyone in my family has it don't you guys?" Rayaan asked.

"We don't know but what if we do have?" I said

"Dad!" Amaan shouted "Dad must know call him."

"Can't reach him."


"He would freak out and capture us first if he knew we were out of the palace and not in the secret chamber."

          We all sat their in Rayaan's borrowed aston martin waiting for our brains to storm.

"Your chopper around here dude?" Amaan asked Rayyan and he nodded his head absent mindedly. Obviously or else how could he have reached from his place in two hours. 

"Aamir you think we should go back to the palace again to find out?" Amaan questioned

             Why hadn't we thought of this before getting all heroic and getting out of the castle?

"Wait!" Rayaan finally said after being in his own thoughts for a while.

"I think I may help with this."

         He took out his phone and dialled a number.

          "Ron you know Zaffyan's place?"

           We could hear Ron speak from the other side. Rayyan nodding as Ron spoke.

"Who is Ron?" I questioned.

"He was the detective who was bringing Haya and me knews about Zaffyan when Princess Amaarah shared her fears with Haya. He is one of the best and very trusted."

          "Why had Haya never mentioned this to us? We would have left everything if we had known she needed us. "

       "She did try to tell me once but then she made a joke of it telling she was just kidding around." Amaan said looking off into space.

"Maybe she thought it wasn't safe for the both of you to return" Rayaan said in a smooth voice.

          That pretty much made sense. That was Amaarah caring about others more than herself. 

Rayaan's phone beeped and he grinned.

"We cannot track Amaarah but we have tracked Zaffyan" He said with a wicked smile.


"Let's just say Ron is smarter than all of us together" He said smirking.

"Heading West." He said

"Aamir don't you think the chopper will take us there faster?" Amaan asked.



BORN ROYAL : sequel of being muslimahWhere stories live. Discover now