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            I stood there blushing tomato red, how much ever I tried I couldn't get myself to look at him, I kept gazing at the floor , he stood close by my side, I could smell his scent, it was a little woody but it smelt good, I was taking in his essence when a warm voice said "You look amazing Ma sha Allah."

    I practically jumped a little , it startled me, he gave a little chuckle,what is it with guys and chuckling? maybe I will never find out ...sigh...

     "Mmmm? Princess? Why did you just sigh?"  I realized I hadn't replied  to him yet I just looked at him and - Wow! he sure is handsome, those coal black eyes have a hint of grey in them , his hair is black too , he had that - oh just so sexy kind of look to him , I blushed and hung my head down again , He again whispered in my ear "No woman has ever looked at the floor when I'm ever around " I blushed red again , he wants a conversation but I'm not feeling that comfortable, he kept chatting with me, or should I say, kept trying to charm me as he kept trying to get a few words out of my mouth, I wasn't going to give him what he wants this soon , Mom and Dad gracefully climbed the stage , after a little thank you speech from my Dad our rings were exchanged, I  loved mine it was a Princess cut solitaire, two carat, surrounded by little embralds going around it, I was instantly in love with it , with the ring and with the man who just put it on my finger, I was waiting for this day since my teenage years, very soon the guests were taken to the hall where dinner was arranged, my brothers had forgotten me as they easily chattered away with my  fionce Zaffyan, I was with my mom accepting everyone's well wishes when I saw a guy looking at me , he has been staring at me since I entered even though I've been avoiding him by looking at the floor. How could he stare at someone else's fionce ? it was beyond my thoughts!

RAYANS POV (new character)


        I looked at her as she gracefully glided down the stairs, I was in love with her, yet she had no idea about it, everytime I looked at her picture on the newspaper or magazine I was awed by her beauty , I had a whole album filled with her photos from the internet and papers, yet here I was looking at her helplessly as she got engaged to another man, me being a Prince did not help , When I sent her my proposal, Aamir said she hadn't even looked at my picture because she didn't want to marry a royal , she wanted a simple life so she chose a simple business man , though I have to say he was pretty handsome, a pang of jealousy passed through me as I saw him talking to Amaarah's brothers, I looked at Amaarah who was speaking to an elderly woman with a beautiful smile on her face , I was deeply in love with her , if I can't marry her I'll never marry in my life , my first and only love will always be Amaarah, today after seeing her out of the images I was even more in love with her, it was like a dream come true to see her in real yet my bad luck that she couldn't be mine , I will always love her whether she would be mine or not, my heart will always beat for her but the saddest thing was.... she would never know that I ever loved her.

               Her silver dress flowed behind her, her tiara glittered in the light, even in her hijab I only found her more beautiful, if I stay here I am in danger of falling more in love with her, but if I go now, I may never have the opportunity to see Amaarah again, from five years I loved her - waiting for her to grow up so I could marry her in a halal way, I don't mind... all I want is for Amaarah to be happy, only if she knew that I loved her more than my life!


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