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           It was pure Hell! Who gave me this idea? I can't do this! Did I say I would be awesome at it? Forget it ! Should I quit? I thought it would be easy!

          For the past one hour I have been questioning and punishing myself, What was I thinking? I am a prince for Heaven's sake, I cannot do this...

         When I had come this evening after college to work here I was so excited, So willing... But now when I had tasted what it really felt like - Mmm No thank you. This is not for me!  I had enough knowledge about half the men perfumes since I have most of them but when it came to women's perfume I was pathetic.

          Not that anyone were genuine customers anyway right now I was dealing with a couple of school girls who had decided they wanted to flirt with me, with no idea of buying what so ever.

"Could you show a couple of fruity ones? Like the one I am wearing." She said as she came pulled me towards her clothes so that I could have a so called whiff of her perfume.

  Pulling away from her I was more than irritated.

"Do you want to buy anything or are you here simply to pass time?" I asked finally - There is only so much a guy can handle.

"How did you land up in a place like this anyway?" Another inquired and I mentally hit my head on the closest wall.

"Hey you know he looks like someone familiar, I just can't point my finger on it." Another one said keeping a finger on her chin deep in thought.

         Oh no this can't be good!

"Hey Sasha Remember the magazine we were reading at your home last sunday?"

  "The guy in it looked just like him, The handsome prince you were dreaming of dating."

"Yes he does look similar and so does his name doesn't it?" Said one grabbing onto my Identity name badge pinned into my pocket.

"It says Amaan" She said and her eyes widened. "Are you the prince?" She asked with wide eyes. The others followed by gasping.

         I remembered the article they were talking about really well. I had done that just before leaving Jordan as a favour to one of my friend's mom who was in the fashion industry.

"Yeah ofcourse I am, I am a prince." I said pretending to be sarcastic "My kingdom is going through rough times I just thought I could help my people by selling perfumes you know." I said picking a bottle of perfume up.

         This got them thinking and they started whispering amongst themselves.

"Would you like to buy something at all?" I asked in frustration.

"No we will pass,we don't need one anyway- you are just one hell of an eye candy" A curly haired one said winking at me and they all went out of the shop.

       Man was that tough I was this close to being caught..... But seriously can I do this?

      I went out of the shop for a while and my gaze fell on the Ice-Cream parlour. The girl was there. Her name? I did not know.

     She was smiling widely to an old couple as she handed two waffles of Ice-cream to them and started to take money and give them  their change.

    As soon as they left a small girl entered with a huge smile on her face she was too small to face the counter. She picked the girl up and made her sit on the counter handing her the change,The scoop of ice-cream and a baloon she gently kissed her cheek and lifted her down.

      The girl happily left the parlour showing the baloon to her parents proudly. That was called a job. Mine was way easier than that. She was rarely left free for ten minutes. If she could do it so could I.I wouldn't quit I will give it my best shot.

Amaarah's POV:

          "What was the name again?" I asked  "Abeed?"

           I was talking to Haya who had gotten married two weeks back. Her detective had finally gotten some information about Zaffyan and she had called me to inform me. Zaffyan was related to a guy called Abeed And the name somewhere rung a bell to me. I had definitely heard it somewhere before but I don't remember where.

            Taking a little more information from her I hung up with a salam. This information was not enough I needed more. This was just basic. Everything we already knew about him except gor the name. I thought Zaffyan didn't have any relatives at all but now I came to know that he does have an uncle named Abeed.


        I don't know why but the name sounded familiar to me. I had heard the name somewhere and I was sure of it. I kept pondering over where I had heard it when it clicked. I hadn't heard it, I had read it.

      While studying about Jordan I had read the name in a history book.

I ran as quickly as I could to the library near my wing. We had Two libraries and one was for father only. This one was for all of us. I ran a hand through the binds row by row finally my eyes fell on the book I was looking for.

       Making myself comfortable on a couch I started to read it. An hour later I was going to close the book to take a break when my eyes fell on a certain name. It read.

        " Sir Abeed of Jordan was next in line to the throne after the death of  King Bader."

          My eyes widened in surprise Kind Bader was My father Adel's brother . Akhi  Aamir's parents. They and my grand mother had died in a private jet crash making my Father the king. After that it was told that Uncle Abeed had disappeared for a long while after my father was made king coz he didn't have a chance to be King anymore unless something happened to my father but Alhumd li Allah he had survived the crash that had happened a few days later.  When the investigation had started Uncle Abeed had been exiled out of the kingdom and had disappeared. Why? no one knew....

      Uncle Abeed was my Dad's young uncle. How was Zaffyan related to him?

      All this new information was giving me a head ache but I knew I didn't like where this was going. Now I needed more information on Zaffyan - More than ever. My life,My parents life, My brothers lives and My kingdoms welfare depended on this.


A/N ----------->

                 Sup guys how ya all doing? I am Having flu. And God know why have Rashes all over me. Hope u all liked the chapter vote comment and ofcourse let me know you love me. I know you do. ;)


Other novels by me (ongoing):

¤Married to a sheikh

¤The muslim and the popstar


Other novels by me (Completed)

¤Being Muslimah

¤Destined to love

¤Life on the wrong track




BORN ROYAL : sequel of being muslimahWhere stories live. Discover now