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  I know lonnnng time o_O  dnt throw those bananas at me! *dodges around* Muhuahua gathers all the bananas and starts eating 'Throw some more ! even votes will do for a faster update ya know'.

Amaan's Pov :

              I stood in a poor area with the smell of dead rats seeping in onto my nostrils. Pinching my nose  with my fingers I followed the girl again inside the alley.

            Her head hung low as she stuffed her clenched hands into her pockets.Her quick footsteps echoing around the alley occassionally glancing behind to see if someone was present.

         I felt like I was playing a game of hide & seek with her, dodging behind trashcans whenever I thought she would turn around. Finally she rounded a corner revealing tiny houses and flats. Sighing she entered one of the doors at the end.

        Creeping towards the place again I peeked inside the only window in the little house.I could see nothing but I heard the girl call out to her mother and a grunt in reply.

"I bought you your medicine" She said in a gentle tone and I could hear her mother cough roughly in return.

"You don't have to do this child. Spending all your hard earned money on me isn't wise"

      I heard the girl sigh as she said "You are the only person in this world mama,You took me in when I had no one and gave me love when I needed this the most. You brought me up and spent every penny on me even though I wasn't yours. The least I can do is get you medicines. I am trying to collect more money to get you to the hospital mama In sha Allah you will be as fit as a fiddle soon You will see mama." She said

        I din't want to hear anymore than I already had eaves dropped on. I knew it was wrong but I was curious. I noiselessly backed out to clumsily crash into a trashcan.

"Who is it? " The girl called out. Before she could come out I had worn my hood and turned the corner hiding into the alley way.

      I could'nt help but think about her situation and I could'nt help but think How blessed I was to have a luxurious life . A life which I wanted to hide only because I wanted to fit in. A life which I had always taken for granted. I thought about how the girl spent everything she earned on her mother. A person she was'nt even related to yet felt deeply about.

      How difficult her life must be. How many people out there lived like this when I had a house in every corner of the world.The voices within me did'nt seem to stop as unnerving thoughts entered it. I wanted to help every person in this world but would it be possible? and with whose money.... The truth would always be the same it was my fathers not mine.

        Being a prince I had never known what hard work was. What difficulty meant. I had always taken everything for granted not once I thought about those who could'nt eat three times a day. I did'nt even thinl this kind of life existed it was like being thrown into reality from a dream one was living in.

        I wanted to help these people but with my hard earned money not my kingdom's. But the problem was what was I good at ? Would I get a job? even the word 'job' seemed foreign to me. If my dad found out what I was upto I would probably be dead.

          But for the first time in life I wanted to do something for those who needed me. I wanted to be useful. To everyone who needed help if possible even if it took all my life I would help the needy the way my mom helped them. I wanted to make a difference to their lives by my own.But would it be possible?



          The cold water gushes all over me making me forget my pain for a while. My friends kept falling into the water while rafting while I tried not to. Haya was getting married today.

       Haya..... The girl I wanted to be mine she would be someone else's in a few hours time. The only person I wanted for myself ,The person I loved would be married to another man and I could do nothing about it. I felt so useless so worthless. I should've tried. Tried more.

        The water splashed on me again as we dived steeply into it. even the tough current of the water could'nt get her out of my mind. Love was inevitable. I wanted to stop loving her the instant I knew she was someone else's but I couldn't just stop.

       Her love ran more deeply within my heart than I thought. Her name awoke sadness and pain. A pain of loss when a person felt when someone dies. That is the pain I felt because I could'nt think about another man's wife. It was a huge sin... if only it was easy to forget her. My heart had torn into pieces today morning if possible when Rayaan had offered to send me his jet so that I could attend his sister's wedding.

     I had politely declined his offer. The worst thing was Haya didn't even know I had loved her. I wanted to scream. I wanted to shout - the pain was like agony. I wanted to get that name out of my mind,my heart ... of my every nerve.

            I wanted to forget her  face but I couldn't. I had dreamt too many days dreaming about her face,her smile,her modesty about making her mine forever.

          The steepest fall approached. I could hear my friends gasp in horror at the twenty-four feet steep fall. I could feel the air charge with fear as we paddled steeply right to the edge yet I could'nt feel the fear I had been waiting for... All I could feel was pain.

BORN ROYAL : sequel of being muslimahWhere stories live. Discover now