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A big Thank you to all my wonderful readers for staying throughout the journey. Do support me by your votes and comments..What ever sails your boat... So this is it then huh? The end. I will miss all of them immensely really and all of you too.




             "This is it then, huh?" The girl asked as she looked at him. They had just jumped off a helicopter from a hundred feet.  Her chocolate brown eyes hypnotising him. 

             "You know ,You look very familiar... I don't know,Like are you royalty or something? "

Aamir rolled his eyes to this,even if he tried he would always be royalty. People would recognize him anywhere in the world. This world was small.

"You want a cuppa coffee or sumtng?" The girl asked again. She had been pestering Aamir again n again about islam through out the trip. Aamir had no other option but to enlighten her. He thought She was as annoying as Amaarah....

        Amaarah.... It had been two years since he last saw her. He thought  Maybe it was time to pay his little siblings a visit.Jordan wasn't the same without his parents. He would only be filled with grief if he went back reminded of old memories and happy times.

"You in lala land?" The annoying girl snapped her fingers in front of Aamir and Aamir  wanted to snap too but he couldn't. He knew he was attracted to this girl like the opposite sides of a magnet but he didn't want to accept it.

"I want to be muslim too ya know,you mind helping me?" She said as if unsure of her own decision. Hearing this brightened Aamir's day. This girl was adventurous. She had been on the same tour as Aamir for three months now and Aamir knew he couldn't deny the attraction any longer. Maybe he needn't settle down. Maybe he needed a sunny person like her to travel tge globe together. Maybe it was time to get tied he thought .....


           "How can I make it to your school on time Amira? I have a kingdom to run!" Amaan looked at his five year old daughter who looked like she was about to cry. He had taken a tough decision by sending her to a private school in the first place. He didn't want her to feel caged like the way he did by being home-schooled. 

"But....But all my friends dad's make it daddy." Her little lips puckered and he knew she was about to wail soon. Where was Maryam when he needed her? He thought

"Daddy woes again?" A voice came from behind me. He looked back to see his beautiful wife hiding a smile.

"Stop smirking and please tell Her I cannot come."  He pleaded .

Maryam turned around to face her daughter with a glint in her eyes.

"Your daddy and mommy will come to school honey,don't worry your little head. The kingdom can do without your daddy for a day. Fly to your room now."

Just before the little girl ran off she turned to her father and asked "Daddy when is Uncle Aamir to visit me? I miss him." She said as sadness clouded her huge black eyes. 

"I hope so honey... I hope so" Muttered Amaan,his mind drifting off to his brother and sister. He missed them badly. They were what was left of his family after all.

He let out a sigh as his daughter ran out. "I am sure he is fine." His wife looked at him with concerned eyes. Maryam was everything Amaan had asked for in his wife. She was beautiful ,kind,intelligent and charming. Never did she fail to delight him.

      She now caressed his beard as she always did "I'm sure he will be coming soon...If not for me ,for Amira. He loves her.

"I am sure he will. Amaarah called today morning."

Amaan smiled at the memory of his sister.Maryam and Amaarah had bonded really well and were in touch frequently.

"How are the rugrats doing?" He asked her with a laugh.

" Giving Amaarah a tough time as usual." She laughed.

They walked hand in hand towards the court where people waited for their king to return and solve their problems.


     "Rayaan you promised you'd help."Please play with them." She said as she cooked dinner.

      The twins sat on their playing mats , The blocks were laid in front of them but instead of building they had started to use the blocks as weapons to hit each other.

     "I'm here honey." Rayaan came into the room dressed in jeans and a casual button down shirt.

     "Woah!Woah!Woah you guys!" He looked at the pieces of blocks in the toddlers hand and gently took them away. "You two,are three years old. You are biiiiig boys now. You can't fight like that." He had a hint of authority in his tone which made the kids behave.

"But he started it!" The boy in the green shirt pointed at the one in blue.

"No I didn't,he did!"  The two bickered on as Rayaan silently picked the blocks from the playmat as he divided it equally between the two of them.

"Let's see how good you two are good at making stuff for once." Rayaan said cheekily looking at the twins,They had a reputation of breaking anythin that came on their way.

"This is my castle." The boy in the blue shirt who was named Arsalan said.

"And this is my kingdom." The other one Arham said.

         Rayaan left to play as he entered the kitchen to find his wife studiously engaged in cooking. "What was that about castles and kingdom's? " She enquired with her eyes wide. Rayaan laughed as he held her tightly encircling her waist.

"You see my beautiful wife,You can take Royals away from their kingdom but you can't take royalty out of their blood.They are born that way." He said laughing.

"You are right." Amaarah said as she kissed her one of a kind husband on his jaw. God had blessed her with a person like Rayaan. Time had healed her wounds and Rayaan had stayed with her throughout her journey.She was blessed to have a man like him in her life. So much for resisting Prince's when she was destined to marry one all along. She chirped happily as she stirred the soup on the stove.

"Aamir is going to Jordan. He may come here too." Rayaan said smiling. Waiting to see his wife's reaction.

Her spoon fell inside the pot as she held her mouth open and tears stinged her eyes.

"It's been so long." She said.

She looked at the twins who were busy building castles and kingdoms

"We can go to Jordan and to Rinadya spend the holidays there. We can all have a couple of days together since Amaan can't leave his kingdom nor can Haya. " She said as she sighed deeply.So much for keeping the kids away from royalty.

Rayaan looked shocked as he tried to comprehend her words."Are you sure? What about keeping the kids away from Royalty?"

Amaarah smiled "As you can see my dear husband." She said pointing at her kids. " You can take Royals away from their kingdom but you can't take royalty out of their blood." She said smirking at Rayaan. It was time the families spent time with each other again and try to bond over the new steps they had taken in life. Sadness of losing loved ones would always linger in the air but  they were bound to help each other heal and to teach other to love again. It was time they all went home.... After all they were "Born Royal".


                       The End



BORN ROYAL : sequel of being muslimahWhere stories live. Discover now