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"Can we stop using the the term 'butt hurt'. We aren't children." Clarus said calmly.

"You sound ass troubled." Cid said calmly.

"A little booty bothered if you ask me." Regis said with a smile.

"Someone's having a tushy tantrum." Cor said with a chuckle.

I rolled my eyes and held back a laugh as Clarus glared at them.

"I need new friends." Clarus said as he walked away.

"He loves us." Regis said with a chuckle.

"Wonder how he is gonna react when he learns I am pregnant." I said calmly.

"Oh he'll go crazy. A mini me..... wait you're pregnant?" He asked as he looked at me shocked.

"That's what I forgot to tell you." I said calmly.

"How do you forget to tell your husband you're pregnant!"

"It's easy to do." Cor said calmly.

"Clarus! We are going to be uncles!" Cid yelled happily.

He took off running and I saw Regis watching me.

"Oh no." He said calmly.

"What?" Cor asked calmly.

"Its gonna be a mini me." He said calmly.

"Seriously, that's not all that... I pray for you." Cor said as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

I nodded my head and watched as Regis left to go contact the Oracle.

"I pray for this child if it's anything like him." I said with a laugh.

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