3: Playing With The Devil

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This Chapter is probably one of my favorites!! 

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This pic will make sense further in the chapter :)




Harry POV

"I swear to you, I have no interest in her at all; it's just fun to watch her overreact at every comment I make," I roll my eyes as Liam drives the car down the secluded street.

"I'm sure," Liam laughs, shaking his head.

Ever since we left the cafe Liam has been making fun of me and saying that I have a thing for Hadley, I don't know why I'm arguing with him about it; I don't have to prove shit to him.

"Can we just focus on this job?" I change the subject and look at my phone, seeing that we're getting close to the barn.

"They guys should be there already, they have the guy" Liam nods while he focuses hard on the road.

"Perfect so we should be in and out?" I turn my head to him.

"Should be," He nods.

I have a shit ton of homework to do and I don't wanna be up all night trying to find some nerd to do it. I watch as we pass a shit load of trees and abandoned beaches. It's crazy to me that there's so much beach out here but no one knows about it. It's all in perfect condition, clean, empty and calm waves.

"Let's get this shit done yeah?" Liam breaks my thoughts as he throws the car in park.

"Yeah, lets get it done" I huff and fling my door open.

We walk up to this big red barn and I can already hear Niall yelling some obscenities at the hostage.

"Someones in a good mood," I joke to Liam.

"He's the loudest of us all," Liam shakes his head as he pulls the big barn door open causing Niall, Louis, and Zayn to draw their guns and point them at us.

"Fucks sake, calm down" I shake my head and stroll into the barn.

"Well text us that you made it next time yeah?" Louis shakes his head.

"Who's our little friend?" I ask, ignoring Louis stupid comment. Who the fuck else would it be.

"This is John, he claims that he never had the drugs in his possession but I think that's a lie," Zayn says shaking his head.

"I told you little pricks I don't know shit!" John spits.

"Listen John, this will all be over way faster if you tell us what the fuck happened with our drugs," I say through my teeth.

"I don't fucking know," He growls.

Mother fucker is really testing my patents today and I won't stand for it.

"John," I grunt and kick his chair with my foot, causing it to fall back. "I am at the end of my fucking rope today, either you admit you lost the fucking drugs or we kill you," I cut right to the chase.

"Kill me then because I never had the fucking drugs," he says angierly.

"Fine, whatever the man wants he gets," I say with a dark tone in my voice. Without second thought I pull out my gun from my waistband and shoot him.

"Harry!" Niall shouts .

"You heard the fucker, he wanted to die" I huff and tuck my gun back in.

"He would have talked if you gave me the chance to fucking talk to him," Liam shoves me off the body.

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