14: I'll Always Lose

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Definitely a moody chapter y'all so play some slow music and vibe a little:)

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Harry POV:

I knew I was supposed to stay away from Hadley, and I knew I couldn't do it on my own so I had to do something that would make her so pissed that she was the one staying away. When I saw David with his arm around her it pissed me off so you could say I killed two birds with one stone.

"Harry!" Liam rushes up behind me and pulls me off David before I knock his ass out.

When I get pulled up, I wipe the blood off my busted lip that was caused by David's punch. I run my hand through my hair to get it out of my face, looking around at everyone as I do so. Everybody sat there silent before just walking off and going back to the party. I barely had time to turn around before I was being pushed from behind.

"You dick head!" Hadley shouts as she pushes me. "What the fuck is your deal styles!" She looks at me with the coldest look in her eyes, something I hate seeing.

"Hadley, I'm ok," David says as he stands.

I stay silent watching her glare and me, waiting for me to say anything.

"What are you def? What is wrong with you Harry?" She shoves my shoulder strongly.

"I- I'm sorry Hadley," I shake my head and turn around to leave.

"God Harry you're something else, aren't you?" She exclaims, making me turn back around.

"I'm just gonna go get some ice," David takes it upon himself to leave this awkward situation.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I mumble.

"So, you sleep with me, then you act all friendly and then tonight you completely blow me off but oh to top it all off, yeah the cherry on the fucking top if you will, you storm over here and deck David in the face!" She shouts frantically, spitting out whatever comes to her head, and I stand there and take it all.

I deserve it.

"I mean god you're truly the most narcissistic person I have ever encountered, and it blows my mind!" She shakes her head.


"Hadley," I hear Kendall call from behind me, Hadley and I both turn around.

"What?" She says coldly due to all her pent-up anger.

"You, ok?" Kendall asks.

"I'm fine, where's David?" She shares one more look of hatred before walking off.

I can't blame her for being mad, I fucked up and it all started with the day I met her, the first day of school. I should have left her alone the minute I found out who her brother was.

The bell rings, signaling that class has started. The boys and I all take our seats in Psych 101 and wait for the professor to start class.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, please get out a pen we are going to be taking a small quiz," she announces, causing the class to groan out. "Don't stress, it won't be graded, it's just a simple personality test."

I look into my book bag to try and find a pen, but I guess I forgot to grab one when I ran out this morning, I was gonna be late.

"Shit, do any of you have a pen?" I lean over to the boys and ask.

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