42: Beg Me

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Happy reading<3





"I love you Hadley," he stands before me, seeming so child-like. 

All the progress that we made, here we were. He finally said them, the three words that used to make him practically dry heave when he thought about them. He loved me and I loved him, what more was there to say.

I stood from my seat, tossing off the blankets that once covered me. "Did you get the condoms from the store?" I grinned. 

I knew I should hate him; I should want him dead for what he did to my father, but the thing is, I'm sort of glad it happened. My father killed innocent people, he did way worse than Harry ever did, in my fucked-up head, that made it okay. I thought it was weird that I didn't hate him, I thought it was wrong to still love him but for now, I pushed that aside because all my life, since I was little, I have wanted to be loved by someone, and he loved me. 

All he does is grin. He brings me in for a kiss, it was soft but behind it was so much passion it would make your head spin. I smiled into the kiss, running my hands through his curls. He picks me up and carries me over to the bed where he lays me down, moving his kisses from my lips to my cheek then collar bone before slowly moving to my neck. 

Everything with him felt so euphoric, it always felt like the first time, and I loved every second of it. 

In one fast motion, his shirt was being tossed off and my sweater was being unbuttoned shortly after. He was being quick with the undressing; he was hungry for it as was I. 

"Want to have some fun?" He pulls back, looking between my eyes. 

"I thought that was where this was going," I furrow my brows. 

He smiles and shakes his head. "Don't move." He points to me before wandering off into the closet. 

I lay back on the bed, feeling the warm sheets under me. I stayed where he left me, as asked. I heard some shuffling and the sound of cloth hitting the floor as he stayed hidden in the closet. Soon enough, there he was emerging back into the room. 

My eyes widen and a smile creep on my face as I look at what he has in his hands. "Where the fuck did that come from?" 

In his large hands was a blind fold and some restraints. "I brought them?" He says like it was obvious. 

"Why?" I giggle as he walks over to the bed. 

"Don't take this personal," he forms his lips into a line. "We have great sex, amazing even, I just think we should you know... spice it up." He pulls me by my legs so I'm sitting at the edge of the bed. 

"Oh, so it was getting boring?" I tease. I'm actually glad that he was the one to bring up the regular sex we had been having. 

"If that's the way you want to put it." He laughs as he brings the blind fold around my face. 

"I've never been blind folded," I admit. 

"I think you'll love it." He says surly.

He ties it so that it's tight enough to stay but not too tight that it hurts me, he's always gentile. He scoots me back on the bed till my back is hitting the headboard and that's when I feel my hands being tied to it, this was all new for me, but I was excited for the new feeling. 

"Are these too tight?" He asks.

"Nope, they are just fine." I say, pulling at the silk that binds me to the bed to ensure that I can't break free.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2023 ⏰

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