34: Masquerade Mess

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Harry's outfit for the ball!! hot hot hot!




Harry POV

"Here we are bitches," Niall perks up as we reach the town hall.

"We all know the plan?" I look at all the boys in the car.

"Hope so because we're running late," Zayn huffs.

"Let's go in and get this shit done," I open my door and step out.

We all walk in together, people are everywhere. I didn't think it would be so busy here. This job may not be as simple as I had once thought. We all look around and try to spot our guys, I see mine in the back corner.

"Got mine," Niall confirms.

"Same over here," Zayn says as he looks towards the bar.

"Let's get this shit done," I huff and walk off.

Tahleea is around here somewhere. She showed up way before everyone else so she could set up some things. T is our getaway girl; we give her the goods and then meet her at the airport. I go and find my guy. I make my way to the corner of the room where he's standing.

"Styles," I stick out my hand.

"Really?" He arches his brow. "I thought you'd be much older," he examines me.

"Well, I'm not," I shrug.

"Well, I'm Hossler," He finally shakes my hand.

"I hear you have some things that I need," I say as I look around us.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't," he smirks.

"What the hell does that mean?" I furrow my brows.

"Well, what do I get out of this little deal?" He asks.

"I don't know, that's your boss's job," I scoff.

"I guess I need to talk to him before giving you what you need," he sighs.

"No, I was told that I would get what was needed and then be on my way," I cross my arms over my chest.

He taps his chin a few times and then suddenly breaks into laughter. I start to become confused by his odd behavior. What is so funny about this?

"I'm just fucking with you," he shoves my shoulder.

"Oh," I chuckle in nervousness, this is a high stakes job, and this prick is over here making jokes? What a douche. 

"I have what you need, office 180 there's a bag under the desk, it's got everything," he says quietly.

"Great," I nod.

"But you need to be careful, security is swarming this place," he warns me.

"Awesome, I'll do my best," I form my lips into a line.

With that I walk away from the man and start my venture to the offices. Speed walking my head occasionally turns to make sure that no one is following me or checking me out. I text the boys to see how they're all doing.

Me: What's happening?

Louis: This mother fucker won't stop talking to me, I swear I'll kill him.

Ni: You can't just tell him to hurry. I got my bag, headed to the car.

Z: In the car now, y'all are slow as hell.

Me: Zayn come to office 180.

Z: Headed that way.

Louis: Where's Liam?

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